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^ A mate goes on about W7 64bit.

But in saying that, he is right into gaming.

I can see the game on the PS3 and thats clear enough for me.

Occasionally needs a software upgrade, that works for me.
all my own pc's run XP still....wife and kids are on W7

and an old lappy i have just got W98 on it....I use it for my progs/programming of transcievers and also OBD software for the plugging into my vehicles etc
I use 64 bit and wouldn't go back to 32 bit on a new computer but I really don't play games so I can't say how good it is for games alone. When it first came out there was a lot of games that didn't work on 64bit but that is changing.
Windows 7 license allows you to back-level to XP anyway. Some software doesn't work well with W7 yet (and they won't support a move up to W7, leaving the companies using their products stuck at XP). Not entirely bad, because XP with SP3 is fairly stable.

I've been perusing 300,000 lines of program looking for an incorrect symbol in it. I think it's the { } balances and the code's been poorly written, so I'm re-indenting every line of code to find it. I did write a program that notes the balances of the braces and it's narrowed the problem down to a 17,000 line segment of code, so I am on the home straight.
Whats the main advantages of Windows 7 though ?

Gotta do some online courses for Telstra today to.
It's got less of a footprint than Vista and it runs faster (depending on what's running in the background of course) and smoother.

Although it's all a matter of preference, why is the 2012 model of Nav better than the 2011 which is basically the same which a few changes?

It's what users get used to, if you want to buy a Windows based PC you'll be hard pressed buying new without Win 7 on it these days where as a 12 months ago Vista was available people had a choice, in 12 months time Win8 will be out and there will again be 2 choices until MS stops pushing Win7 into the retail sector.
Oh yeah and 64bit Win7 works heaps better than previous 64bit versions did which for me is a bonus because I only run about 3 programs that aren't 64 bit now days.
I never use a computer to its full capabilties.

Just good to hear peoples views.

Oh and we all know that the Navara was perfected in 2006.
Been raining fairly constant, not sure of the exact figure yet but there has been no huge downpours just not many breaks.

Elders actually says 15mm but I think we've had a bit more than that, wouldn't be heaps more.
I never use a computer to its full capabilties.

I do a shit load of graphics and video editing and often do them all at the same time and I still don't use my computer to it's full capabilities. Even modern games don't taxes computers anywhere near what most people think they do but most of us are buying the latest and greatest because we are convinced we need it to watch youtube videos and surf the net.
Hey you been out the mines or does that coal dust just cover the whole district

If that was to me: Our coal mines down here aren't that much of an issue unless its extremely strong winds to dig the crap out of the holes. My old man used to film safety videos for the SEC and he used to get 4wd's bogged and roll them in the open cut just to film what should and shouldn't be done.

We also had a rally down here in the open cut which we filmed and got to help organise, that was fun, not sure the average joe can get down into the mines like that anymore.
Can I borrow that bonus post, I need to replace one of the posts on the farm tomorrow where some dickhead hit it with the bucket of the tractor while backing the 16 foot trailer into the shed.

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