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Did anyone watch American Top Gear last night? I want a Ford Raptor for my work vehicle now!

Cheers Brad

Sent from Brad's padded cell using Forum Runner
I saw the paintball thing and for the third week in a row wondered why I even bothered to switch over, those yanks are worse than the aussie version and that is in no way a compliment to the aussie hosts.
Still fences and gates. So far we've used 42 out of 48 rolls of barb and it looks like our estimation of needing more (but sticking with one pallet at the initial purchase) was right. This mountain goat country shit is getting annoying, can't use the 4 roll spinner on half the fence lines and taking the thumper down is nearly suicidal. We are saving time though, we've moved to 14 foot gates, save 2 foot x 5 of barb each time we add a gate :sarcastic:

Been Carting in hay big square bales and the front end loader, The loader makes life easy, We wrapped 350 bales of silage the week before, Good feed but the amount of plastic left over is a nightmare
She'd be great fun for all around the campfire Scotty..... making it shut up would be the best part after a long whistling session:big_smile:
I want one of them.
We got 127 bales of silage off the farm we are currently on and 2 of the other farms usually go for hay this time of year but we still have quite a bit of hay from last years bumper crop so not sure what we are doing with the hay farms this year.

We don't do our own silage so we don't get left with the plastic, we just get left with the empty rolls. I used to buy clear plastic wrap (same as the trademarked Glad Wrap but not trademarked) in 1500m rolls so I'm used to having heaps of empty rolls around the place and just like bread crates have found very little uses for the bloody things.
We got 127 bales of silage off the farm we are currently on and 2 of the other farms usually go for hay this time of year but we still have quite a bit of hay from last years bumper crop so not sure what we are doing with the hay farms this year.

We don't do our own silage so we don't get left with the plastic, we just get left with the empty rolls. I used to buy clear plastic wrap (same as the trademarked Glad Wrap but not trademarked) in 1500m rolls so I'm used to having heaps of empty rolls around the place and just like bread crates have found very little uses for the bloody things.

The hay sheds are still nearly full here to, Did the silage because didnt want to waste the feed, The clover is thick and we have had to strip feed a couple of paddocks as we lost a couple of animals to bloat, To much feed or not enough thats life
Yeah we mainly did the farm we are working on because the 160 acres was over grown and too much for the cows to keep down while there was little or no internal fencing. Once the fences are all finished about 50 animals in a rotating pattern through each paddock will keep the area down but the whole lot was too much and the grass got way to thick and high so we silaged about 40% of the property.

We didn't loose any cattle but we had a few get a little sick and shitting through the eye of a needle because of the long grass and what they were eating, thankfully now we have enough fences to contain them though. The other farms already have cows and fences on their so they are keeping the grass down where needed, this place was just a little different.
We don't do our own silage so we don't get left with the plastic, we just get left with the empty rolls. I used to buy clear plastic wrap (same as the trademarked Glad Wrap but not trademarked) in 1500m rolls so I'm used to having heaps of empty rolls around the place and just like bread crates have found very little uses for the bloody things.

Krafty I'm surprised at you. What a waste!

Fit some fins and a nose cone to the empty rolls, insert a stick of gelignite and an E2-2-0 model rocket motor. Mount on roof racks, electronically fire when approaching taxis or Mazdas.
Dunno how it works in other parts of the world but we actually need to get permission to fire rockets into the sky around here (might be a RAAF base ruling) but surely if we need permission to fire them into the sky getting permission to fire them into taxis would be harder, aren't they a protected species?
I want to get a reverse/caravan camera & already have a GPS stuck to the windsceen.

I was actually considering using the drop down sunglasses holder & that way I could push it closed & out of sight when not in use. Bit
concerned about getting wires up into the hoodlining though.

Alternatively I might consider one of those clip on holders.
I've seen GPS units that have reverse cameras so 1 screen = 2 functions (like my in-dash unit).

I am considering splicing an additional (identical) camera mounted on the rear of my caravan into the camera cable on the rear of my Navara. When the plug from the caravan is inserted it would work like headphones in a stereo - the speakers (car camera) get disconnected and the headphones (caravan camera) become connected.

I want a separate screen for both because if I'm towing & want to see behind me all the time but also want the GPS function displayed. I think a split screen will be too small.
I reckon you'd get by with them separate. The reverse camera function is only there while you're in reverse anyway - and it's not often that you'll need satellite guidance while reversing a caravan.

Unless you're trying to set a world record. What IS the record for reversing a caravan? I might like to take a stab at that one!
Why use a separate screen, do you really need a pretty picture of the map on the screen at all times? Surely in most cases the seductive woman telling you were to go and the pic off the always on camera is enough.
It's not that hard to do if it has to be that way, you just have to find room to mount two screens.

My screen has 2 AV inputs I can have one permanently on camera and one reverse with one overriding the other. I can't have GPS and camera on my screen in it's current set up (just needs to find a GPS with a vido output to make it happen) but when I was considering a car PC I was going to make it an option to have one or the other or split screen on either a 7 or 9 inch screen.
The world record for the longest reverse of an articulated truck (it's about the closest I could find) is a mere 64km. It was set on 22 Sep 2008 by Marco Hellgrewe (Germany) on a circuit.

Now that's something I wouldn't mind taking a stab at. I could try reversing the caravan from Newcastle to Sydney on a Sunday morning. That's about 170km. It'd probably be easier on a track where I didn't have to worry about traffic though ... do you think Eastern Creek raceway would object?

Have to worry about fuel too. I've got about an 800km range when towing, but most of that would be in overdrive. I'd have to look at my fuel consumption at 10-15km/h and see how far I can go before a refuel.

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