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Yep, with the kid it's a case of not caring and just wants to piss off and do something else that isn't work, with the old man it's a case of having limited time on the farm due to other commitments so what he does do he does in a rush.
except for some shitty tinbox VW's,
just watched 10 magnificent laps of alltime great V8 musclecars:rock:

I do 7 rows, 6 plain & 1 barb at the top. I would like to put a barb a couple of rows down but not keen on pulling it through the posts.

These are internal fences. The majority of the boundary fences are a few rows of wire & netting & are generally buggered. One has been there since the
1930's I believe. Occasionally get a few of the neighbours sheep, unless he has cross breeds & then I have the lot.
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Our external fences on the newest property are all ringlock and 2 rows of barb, god knows how long they have been like that but the previous owner hadn't run the place as a farm in over 30 years. We will eventually remove them and add 5 rows of barb and one sparky wire but internal fences will all be 5 strand barb except around the house which is a sheep paddock.
It was sad to see Seton's 2-door blowing all that smoke though. That was a fine motor vehicle.

yep....main thing tho is there was no panel damage or nasty prangs, but they still raced hard.

The winning machine was choice
AAARGH, I get up, choose my oldest holey Bib and brace to wear and prepare from a day of panting tent pegs and camper poles. We enjoy breakfast and the morning cuppa on the deck watching the antics of the furballs in the back garden, then a short visit inside to instruct The boss in how to send an email with pdf attachment(yet again), then.....

..it starts frigging drizzling and hasn't let up for hours.

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