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That the one

Small world, haven't been back down Chandler Rd for a few years now, two of the old Neighbours who've been there since 71 is still there but the place has changed so much. I'm fairly sure the garage on Chandler has gone, the milkbar is a bottle shop and our house got bought by Greeks who turned it into a concrete paradise.
Did some fencing on Friday & in my packet of Gripples, came across a dodgy one missing a hole. I have thrown a few dodgy ones out in the past as well.

I wasn't inclined to whinge to the retailer with my singular Gripple in hand but was a bit shitty because it keeps happenining.

Sent an e-mail to OneSteel just after 4.00pm on Friday & before 5.00pm I had received an e-mail asking for my address so that they can send some replacements.

That's customer service. :five:
Yeah they are pretty good with their customer service, we have a lazy Waratah rep down here but even with his laziness the service we have got from Waratah with a thumper and a few other bits has been better than most other companies.

Gripples are bloody amazing and so much quicker and the new(ish) gripple remover is a bloody godsend for getting them off bits of wire where they can't just slide through. Some of the stuff those gripples hold up in the industrial world is bloody amazing, more strength that a few barbwire fences need. We don't use them on that many fences purely because tying knots is still cheaper when doing 4ks of fencing at a time but we still use them for joining. They are brilliant for short run fences where putting the chain on is a waste of time and effort.
Did work experience in the butcher shop there next door to loydys the milkbar

We used to hang out at the park behind the milkbar after spending a dollar to get a chocburger, in winter time it was a dollar for a chocburger and swapping of footy cards....KISS cards never got swapped.
Krafty, never heard of a Gripple remover. In fact I don't even have a gripple tool. Just use the strainer. Every thing I tend to do is in slow mo.

I used to joint with knots (always did a poor job) but would end up having to cut them out after a while & use a gripple anyway. Don't know how many lines of barb you use but I only use one on the top. Lately been doing it without any joins. Only problem is when the bitches fight each other between the fence & I am going to have to cut & join to re-tension.

Rabbits have been in the shed & managed to cover a pallet with soil. Went to use a new, but long ago purchased roll of wire. Picked it up from the bottom of the pallet & it was rusty from sitting in soil. Bugger!

Anyway enough crap from me. :big_smile:
Gripple remover is just a stiff bit of wire with a plastic lug on the end to make it easier to hold. Newer gripples (the more round shape ones) have a small hole above the larger hole where the wire goes and you slot the wire into the hole and it pushes the locking wheel back a cog so you can slide the fence wire out against the locking wheel. Not sure if they come in bags of gripples or only in the boxes but we have a few of them now and they work well.

We do 5 rows of barb for cattle and 2 rows with ringlock for sheep. I don't min tying knots to either join or tie off but Gripples are much easier. The "T-Gripples" make tying off at posts a lot easier too but they are about $1.25 each which adds up in the end when tie off knots are so easy and only take a minute or so. The biggest problem with a "T-Gripple" is that it can take longer than knot tying if you don't get it right first time. Chain and a good knot is usually better anyway.

Never enough crap in the Random Chat Thread :big_smile:
Did some fencing on Friday & in my packet of Gripples, came across a dodgy one missing a hole. I have thrown a few dodgy ones out in the past as well.

I wasn't inclined to whinge to the retailer with my singular Gripple in hand but was a bit shitty because it keeps happenining.

Sent an e-mail to OneSteel just after 4.00pm on Friday & before 5.00pm I had received an e-mail asking for my address so that they can send some replacements.

That's customer service. :five:

Better than the dealer who got us the wrong clutch cable last week, And this weeks excuse was it got sent to Mildura instead of Ballarat, And we paid the extra for air freight the first time. Some companys are brilliant and others are just waiting inline to close
You wanna see the way our offsider ties spark fence (or fences of any kind for that matter) and you'll see just how much faith some people have in theories.

I can't leave a fence in the state he does I have to make knots tight, provide good connections and even make posts straight but this guy can ignore all those (and more) and still make his fence work. In some ways it shits me that his patch it jobs work so well but then my brain still makes me work to a standard and that standard is way above his.
We do 7 strand fences and it annoys me when i do the first few knots at the corner post then someone else does a couple and they do a shit job, Makes it look crappy
Yeah we had that problem with the offsiders son, we'd do our knots tight and he's go round the pole, over the top of the wire then just keep wrapping. He knew exactly how to do it properly but would loose tension every time he tried to feed the wire back up inside the loop so he'd just give up. He's method of fixing it was to get pliers and twist a bend into the end so all his strands have this stupid looking s bend at the pole to try and get some tension in the wire.

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