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Yeah as if, mobiles and the attitude of many who assume when a phone rings it must be answered before the third ring shit me to tears. Computers are for silly emails, bad videos and annoying people, phones are for last resort communications.
Nah getting grumpy and pissed off that so many people think that as soon as their phone rings or buzzes they have to stop work (or whatever else they are doing) and pick the thing up without consideration for those around them.
Figuring out some remodeling ideas for the house, battery monitoring but mainly Web page making.....was waiting for you to call for that lesson I told you I'd give you last night :ha:
Just a reference to a post last night, nothing important, thought I might have offended you so I was flying the peace flag to get you back on side but you went to work :sarcastic:
SO I can't offend or teach you, geez your a hard bastard!

G-unit? is that like a G-spot, talked about often but rarely seen or found?
Na, he was a bullshitter on $wdmonthly and the Patrol Forum.

No one could work out, if his dad owned the Patrol or he did as the story kept changing.

Anyway, he is a "Ricer" now.
I forgot my log on for Yotamonthly so I never go there now...I miss it so much.

Same as my log on for the UK Nav site, it's automatic on one machine but not on any of the notebooks and I'm too lazy (and there isn't enough to keep me interested visiting that site everyday) to look up the password and put it on the notebooks.
I was reading Woody's story in YotaMonthly yesterday but despite his silence on here I promised him I wouldn't make a public airing of my comments regarding that story :big_smile:

Gotta say though the article wasn't too badly written, was almost like YotaMonthly were trying to prove they could write stories that didn't focus on Yota's.
Yeah I thought the same. I thought it was nice to someone worthy in there. Not just bolt on ARB and join
Aah, Taralga. you ring and ask for the number and they'd ask who you wanted, then tell you she is actually at this number, then ring it and line up who you wanted to speak to first before switching(plugging) you through. and that was in the 1980's.

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