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Not at the farm, it's barely stopped raining and the wind is gusting way too much to be on the side of a hill. Been playing web monkey today, although I've just been researching an old mate so work has stopped for now.

Been hard at it have you?
Been asleep most of the day.

Was a quieter night last night.

Good thing though as I did like 23 hours between monday and tuesday.
I did about 19 hours Monday and Tuesday when the doc told us it would be too wet to be out on the farm but I'm not sure we will be doing that for the next few days after the rain we've had.
Mean't to rain here again on friday.

Meh, doesn't bother me.

I dont mind the rain, most people think about whether to go out or stay at home.

So less traffic.
Yeah I never used to mind working in the rain as a truck driver, as a marquee erector it wasn't great but night shifts and rain aren't so bad.
Except for Wyong.

The roads are !@#$%^ down there.

No grip, touch the brakes and the front wheels lock up.

One of those times where I wish I had ABS.
Dunno about snow but by geez that pelting rain was bloody annoying this morning, glad I wasn't out working in it.

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