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New years eve (day) there wasn't a single spec of mud up in Wombat - with over 2" of rain out this way in the last 48hrs all of the new tracks I found then should be a bit interesting. Will have a look on Monday:victory:
Spag Bol is the greatest food on the planet......
And it is always better the next day.
So easy to make - do that the day before
Best leftovers that aren't leftovers when your having it for the first time the day after you made it!

1/2 kilo of mince
1 450g tin of diced tomatoes
1 Whatever brand of pasta sauce 500g ( never tastes like as described so any will do)
1 healthy does of mixed herbs
1 generous pinch of salt
1generouos shake of ground black pepper
1 bit of brown sugar
Reduce on a slow simmer for 2+hours
serve with fresh pasta

bang the whole lot in the fridge pasta included and reheat next day.
Freezes well for up to 6 months for a great dish when you cant be arsed
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Mines got a few different minor ingredients to yours but after years of changing it a bit I've found the best addition is a dash of good Sweet Chilli Sauce. Chilli sauce shouldn't be added so as to sting someone eating it but just enough to add a bit more flavour, it's obviously not a traditional addition but it doesn't alter the flavour quite well. Like you I think it's always better the next day although I usually make enough that lasts several days
Missus is Sri Lankan - got enough chilli and curry going on to keep Johny Cash singing for a long time yet!
Good to have Skip food. I guess you dont need the recipe for sausages in bread?
I guess you dont need the recipe for sausages in bread?

I dunno there is a lot of factors to consider in such a recipe, what kind of bread, how it's cut, condiments, how well too cook the snag to name just a few. Some bbq experts might consider it a gourmet meal with a delicate cooking procedure.
Pizza is always better the next day.
Snags musn't be over cooked,onions still just a little raw with a good chilli sauce.
I like Beerenberg chilli sauce.
There is a lot of foods that are better the next day, when I order Chinese (instead of making it) I always order enough for the next day, not only does it save me making lunch or dinner but most of the meals have a much better flavour.
It's a quiet day at work today so I have got my tradesman making me up a rear bar. Will post some pics up when I get a chance.

Soon no one will be able to mock my duct tape fixup LOL.
It's a quiet day at work today so I have got my tradesman making me up a rear bar. Will post some pics up when I get a chance.

Soon no one will be able to mock my duct tape fixup LOL.

I didn't mock it! I was just surprised you left it so long.
Got a fair way through it today, still needs to be all cleaned up, top panel fixed on where there is a void where the old bumper sat, number plate lights and trailer wiring plug mounted etc, then final fitup and off for powdercoating.

Doesn't look like much in the pics, but should look ok done.


Yeah I reckon you might be right.

I could always improve my driving skills but where's the fun in that?
went out last night and got a bit pissed, anyway, 3 trannys came and sat down at our table and started chatting us up, one was not bad looking but the others just looked like blokes with dresses on, one of my mates didn't pick it so we left him chatting away for a good while, he started the whole hand on the knee thing so I intervened and told him, hilarious!
If it was anyone from this site, I apologise, you were definitely getting a root before I stepped in

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