Any hunters among us??

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got one nice buck but hes only recently dropped his antlers so he just had some little fuzzy ones.The hide is in tanning solution atm so i will post a pic of it once we have conditioned it and its all finished.this is the first time ive tanned a deer hide so will be good to see how it turns out.


  • IMG_1429[1].jpg
    219.2 KB · Views: 66
Craig... I'm very jealous, just got into the deer stalking this season.
We hit up Vic high country last weekend for one last go for the season... Goddamm the creepy crawlies come out as soon as it warms up...
Guess i'll be waiting till the rut next year
The good old 22 and subsonics, got a rabbit last night and 1 the night before in the front yard. And one of my boys got 3 with the air rifle yesterday and 1 this morning. DSE should do something about the state forests.
Speaking of 'good ol 22 subs'

On Sunday afternoon the womens wanted to talk about... womenly things, so it was off to a mates farm that we had not shot in a couple of months with a bruno 2 and some 42gn winnie subs.

Most of these guys were shot in the last two hours of light, with a few of them taken after dark.
The final score was 45 collected and seeing as we were shooting them practically on top of their burrow, a conservative estimate of 55 would not be an exaggeration.


  • IMAG0175.jpg
    190.2 KB · Views: 54
Craig... I'm very jealous, just got into the deer stalking this season.
We hit up Vic high country last weekend for one last go for the season... Goddamm the creepy crawlies come out as soon as it warms up...
Guess i'll be waiting till the rut next year

sucks to be down there haha,up here its that warm all year round there are always chita deer with decent the dogs love the can still shoot them all year round down in vic cant you?
nice haul with the rabbits,there no where near thos kind of numbers up north but heres a pic of one that walked out infront of the wrong car,my hids had him halted and i was on the back,thought the dogs wouldnt mind a snack after a few hrs shooting,shooting rabbits with 30-06 is great,kills and guts them in one lol.
not sure if this pic is to gory for the site but it is the hunting thread so yea.


  • IMG_1159[1].jpg
    217.5 KB · Views: 58
Heading up to Walgett in a couple weeks to train a new pup my mate got! Mate jus got back from hebel and said its over run. 45 pigs 5 days
Hey craig.. shootin rabbits with an 06 seems like a prety expensive (albeit fun) way of going about it, having said that, Iv'e shot a few with the 7mm-08, it is good fun.

Yeah the deer are somewhere all year, but down here winter is the best time, they are much more active, and the snakes and stuff are less active.
I'm new to the deer game, love stalking!
yea it is if your hunting them,but we where on our way to take the dogs for a run and where just shooting a few roos for meat,that rabbit just happened to jump onto the road.At 1.50 a round i wouldnt be keen on going out for rabbits,id be broke by the time i got home haha.
fair enough,i went past a 3m black headed python the other day,tried to pick him up and have a look at him but he had the shits.
Heading up to Walgett in a couple weeks to train a new pup my mate got! Mate jus got back from hebel and said its over run. 45 pigs 5 days

nice,walgett got many r licence areas?shit 45 pigs in 5 days!place musnt of been hunted for a young girl has been on heat and when she hasnt i havent had a good chance to take her out because the property we go to the owners are baiting now.really keen to get some numbers into her on the way home as shes going to be my ute finder and shes keen as.i have to find out if i can get my nsw r licence without liveing there yet.
Im not sure on State forests out there. Im going to a payed property.
Like $50.00 a Day
Should be a good trip
As long as there is a tester near you,, you can get your nsw game license. I know in vic a few gun or hunting clubs can run it
Im not sure on State forests out there. Im going to a payed property.
Like $50.00 a Day
Should be a good trip

i wish there where paid propetrys up here,do you know of anywhere theres a list of paid propertys like a website or something or are they mostly word of mouth
As long as there is a tester near you,, you can get your nsw game license. I know in vic a few gun or hunting clubs can run it
awsome,will call a bloke in town that should do it.have you always needed to do a test?
I'm going shooting for week up north. Chasing piggies leaving in a few hours. Hope its going to be good.
So far I pay for hunting permits in 2 states, so I am in no hurry to pay for a nsw permit as well, but I do pay a nsw fishing license, not paying for one in vic

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