When housing affordability is based on "average pay x 3 = affordable house" it's no wonder people talk about a housing affordability issue. Average wage is around $70K (according to C9 the other day) so that puts a single income family on average wages only in the affordable housing bracket if their house was $210K or below. Unaffordable was about $270K and over that out of reach or some such other jargon they used when they looked at the "word of the day" calender. While there is houses in that price bracket around the country there aren't many in the cities, even for a 2 income family at $420K there would be quite a lot of 2 income families overstretching the "affordable housing" bracket.
It's not any governments fault people over spend on their houses and it makes no difference who's in power when the banks have the free reign they do to lend money, it's not even the governments fault when the banks don't pass on interest rates cuts but you can bet like every other campaign since the early 80's this election lead up with have one or both parties making it an issue because sucker voters love to hear that their favourite leader plans to do something about interest rates.
It's not any governments fault people over spend on their houses and it makes no difference who's in power when the banks have the free reign they do to lend money, it's not even the governments fault when the banks don't pass on interest rates cuts but you can bet like every other campaign since the early 80's this election lead up with have one or both parties making it an issue because sucker voters love to hear that their favourite leader plans to do something about interest rates.