It makes little difference who wins, they will still make decisions people don't like, people still wont be happy with the government and people will still feel hard done by.
Abbott is no different to any other pollie, if he gets in the first thing he does is change the name of the successful programs/policies put in place by the previous governments and then reclaim them as his own. Scraps a shit load of jobs and says it's because the previous government over spent and then throws more taxes at the country because he realises he can't afford to keep his own slush funds financed without taxes. Hardly much different to the current government.
As for "Old Tony's campaign" how can one believe any of his old campaigns aren't current campaigns? Everyone seems to agree with the old joke "How can you tell when a politician is lying? His lips are moving." yet Tony comes out and says he's scraped work choices or some other such thing that made him less popular last time around and some people think he's telling the truth. Just like the rest of them Tony is a politician, he lies to get peoples votes.
Neither of the current two leaders really deserve to be running the show, but when one considers that the alternative could be some deadshit backward hillbilly moron like Barnaby Joyce either is preferable. Maybe we should actually be thankful for having a system that doesn't allow numptis like BJ the chance to be voted in.