I have been camping quite often over the last 18 months. The weekend was at Merringtons - just north of Walhalla. OK spot.
One thing which baffles me profoundly. What possesses a person/people to drive hours into the middle of no-where with the idea of 'getting away from it all' only to setup camp at a large, busy site on a long weekend only to serenade the entire site with loud music (usually a pretty standard playlist) until the wee hours - as if everyone on the site wants to hear it. As well as that, they behave like morons usually pissed off their nut, leaving their 'crap' everywhere - all at the expense of the rest of the (quiet) users of the site.
Then, if you ask them to put a lid on it not only are you risking harm (realistically) or at the least become the 'prick' in the process.
I have had it at Merringtons on the weekend, Woods point, Big river, Bennies etc etc. It has become a key reason for me to avoid camp sites - unless its an off weekend and no one else is there.
I just dont get it. And when I think way back, I think its getting worse.