i just keep my head down and don't rock the boat, do what i gotta do and get on with it...
Then draw dicks on their contact photos and write silly things like the mature adult that i am
i just keep my head down and don't rock the boat, do what i gotta do and get on with it...
Then draw dicks on their contact photos and write silly things like the mature adult that i am
Hey its the simple things in life... And it always makes for funny site meetings...
" and not a safety issue but can we all act like adults and stop drawing dicks everywhere"
And my favourite
Safety officer "whoever is writing graffiti better pull their head in"
Bloke up the back "what are they writing"
Safety officer "just graffiti"
Bloke up the back "like what"
Safety officer "the f@?!ing word GRAFFITI for f#@-s sake!"
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Where do u work? Sorry u probably said this already but I wasn't paying attention
All over Melbourne and the outskirts.
Building site humour is never dull.
Hey its the simple things in life... And it always makes for funny site meetings...
" and not a safety issue but can we all act like adults and stop drawing dicks everywhere"
And my favourite
Safety officer "whoever is writing graffiti better pull their head in"
Bloke up the back "what are they writing"
Safety officer "just graffiti"
Bloke up the back "like what"
Safety officer "the f@?!ing word GRAFFITI for f#@-s sake!"
back on topic
Dunno, I don't jump in to anything fast especially when I've never met them and they live over 2500ks away...
Then draw dicks on their contact photos and write silly things like the mature adult that I am
is some one blushing?
would you like your own "sub section " for you and bods to play in?
I promise admin wont look......................................
all I want is an invite to the bucks party
You're a ****!! No I am not blushing. Boy is he gonna have a fun read when he gets data signal...
Awww c'monUgh I'm just gonna go hang out by myself in my own thread until u guys get over your fun
You're a ****!! No I am not blushing. Boy is he gonna have a fun read when he gets data signal...
Oh and for everyone talking about back issues 7yrs as a vet nurse and u start praying for people to buy small White fluffy dogs coz your back doesn't enjoy lifting 100kilo Great Danes on to an operating theatre table..
How's this?