His kisses are head butts. If u say kisses puma he comes up and starts head butting ya face tehehe
you are probably sick of seeing my dogs today but this shot should be shared My ballerina bully, she is on "tipitoes" http://s1354.photobucket.com/user/broady04/media/IMG_2879_zps6ef158e6.jpg.html
aww that's cute
I like cats
They're the cutest! I want a bully!!
That's a pretty ****** attempt at drawing a penis hahaI dunno Gordy, it just doesn't feel the same. Off topic posts had a nice ring to it and seen as there was no solid topic or agenda here too.
I jumped on and scrolled up and down and I was like wtf where did it go... Then I realised. I feel somewhat cheated like when you see one of those big posters at your local pub that says ACDC Nov 10th in massive letters and it's only when you get within spitting distance you realise it says "tribute band" in real fkn small letters underneath lol
I'm sure I'll get over it...
Oh look a penis drawing on site
View attachment 18001
Got a vet question for you gordy
Why do my pair eat grass after I feed them raw chicken, usually 3 times a week,necks or legs
Its the only time I see them eat grass
they don't throw up afterwards??
That's a pretty ****** attempt at drawing a penis haha
It was actually a cover for a penetration in a concrete slab that had the red P painted on it so people knew what it was. So I didn't have a blank canvas to work with
Mine eats very similar to your Sparra and eat grass as well. I think it's pretty normal.