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He's O/S at the moment and Playdo I believe is parked in Sydney, but he wont just put on a show if there is a camera around, despite what it sounds like he's a very smart man and does nothing that silly which my be used in evidence later on.
Seeing it in person would be good, but having it on camera means you can watch it when your up for a laugh.
Hey Jason, whats happened, has the wife given you the boot mate, ya on here all the time now.......welcome back, now ya can get your post tally back up...aaah now i know ya plan...delete everyone elses to put your tally back in gear....shifty bugga.

Seeing it in person would be good, but having it on camera means you can watch it when your up for a laugh.

Yeah the problem is we rarely see it, we just hear the crash, like I said he's smart and doesn't like witnesses. He will admit to doing some of the silliest things but tries hard not to get caught doing them.

He tried to drive the Playdo over a fallen down tree the other day, and yeah sure under normal circumstances it wouldn't have been an issue the trunk was only about 4 inches above the ground but he was also driving the thing across the hill on a 45 degree angle. Had I not been there for him to ask the question about going over it he would have just done it without thinking of the possible danger, but when someone is around he thinks enough to ask.

Dont think I have ever seen a burnout pad with so much rubber.
Hey Jason, whats happened, has the wife given you the boot mate, ya on here all the time now.......welcome back, now ya can get your post tally back up...aaah now i know ya plan...delete everyone elses to put your tally back in gear....shifty bugga.


Ha ha Jim, no Ive just started posting a bit more recently. I'm always lurking.

From time to time some things get out of hand and we need to reign them in a bit, it's nothing personal. Sometimes it's newbie questions, repetative questions, cross posting or spamming.

Most of the rubbish posts come from Dave and Krafty trying to be the first to 10k! Ha ha. Commenting or rating pics in the gallery also count as a post so get cracking.
Ha ha Jim, no Ive just started posting a bit more recently. I'm always lurking.

From time to time some things get out of hand and we need to reign them in a bit, it's nothing personal. Sometimes it's newbie questions, repetative questions, cross posting or spamming.

Most of the rubbish posts come from Dave and Krafty trying to be the first to 10k! Ha ha. Commenting or rating pics in the gallery also count as a post so get cracking.

Oh lets hope then this forum doesn't get too anal then...would hate to see some of the characters on here that make the forum enjoyable,
not just a boring information book at a library, leave the forum.
its the reason i personally have hung around, mate if i wanted anal i would stay on the UHF forum i get info from,
I am not trying to beat Krafty.

I just like talking.

Found that link yet Jimmy ?

yeah, i posted it in the other thread mate.....sorry though its a yota.....shows how much i dont take notice if it aint got a V8....nonetheless its an impressive piece of machinery.
yeah, i posted it in the other thread mate.....sorry though its a yota.....shows how much i dont take notice if it aint got a V8....nonetheless its an impressive piece of machinery.


Hey Dave, did Garry get any info out ya the other day??
Stop being a post whore and wait your turn :ha:

Oh hang on Dave is ahead of me maybe I better answer the question.

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