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A while ago I posted some info on a free subscription to 4WD Action magazine.

Being as tight as a fish's date, I subscribed & the last of my 3 magazines arrived the other day.

I must say that I have not even finished reading the 1st magazine but today started watching the DVD's.

Flay me if you will but despite the ads & all the Toyota's, I actually enjoy the DVD's.

I received a call last week from the magazine publishers/distributors & declined their kind offer of a paid subscription.

Maybe I will just buy the DVD's
As long as Roothy shuts up and shows some interesting stuff, the dvd's aren't so bad.

Beer jokes every 3 minutes aren't what Id call funny.
Eh, I don't like 4wd craption very much. But sometimes there's some nifty things to learn there. I buy it for light reading while I uhhh work?
I find the worst one is the ARB newsletter/magazine or whatever it is. Just about every story is an ad for ARB stuff.

Fair enough too I suppose when they supply it for nothing but then only someone in the final stages of lunacy would buy it.
I think it's a matter of perspective, Joe. Or maybe I'm a loony ... I've suspected that for some time anyway. Maybe this is the proof!

The ARB magazine is rather something like a physical infomercial and they can make you feel ill, but for someone that doesn't have a lot of off-road experience or knowledge about the types of gear that are available for different purposes, you have to admit that ARB do a very good job of addressing that.

To be perfectly honest, its something I'm glad they do. Not every 4WD owner knows about forums, or gets involved in a club. The material ARB release is (in my mind) just another avenue to educate - and if they point out that their gear will do the job, I can't really say it's a bad thing. I hope they get more business for their efforts.
I am sure it costs a lot to produce the ARB magazine and they would want to get a reasonable return from their investment otherwise they too would be mad.

It is a good idea to get em while they are fresh, even get the kids involved with the drawing competition. They might grow up ARB diehards.

I have fond memories, well maybe not that fond, of being involved in the Holden vs Ford battle. I look back now & think what a load of $hit. The Australian public (some of us) played into the hands of the manipulation by the car companies.

The situation is even more ludicrous now when the racetrack battleships of Holden & Ford merely have as much in common with the road cars as their silhouette. Still it hasn't stopped someone I know getting the Holden lion tattooed on his chest.

In fact I am thinking of getting Fisher & Pakel tattooed on my arse because I really love my whitegoods.

Anyway I am proud now that I have no brand loyalty. I think I make up my own mind. Bugger I even own a Nissan :sarcastic:

Actually it is probably true that I am still influenced by advertising, it is just a bit hard to notice at the time. You see that's how it works.

Forgive my ramble. I was home all day yesterday babysitting & I really need to get out of the house, & yes, quite possibly get a life.
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Holden vs Ford battle. I look back now & think what a load of $hit. The Australian public (some of us) played into the hands of the manipulation by the car companies.

No...not everyone sees it that way.

I have and bought many a make...but still am, is will be a HOLDEN man till i die, I grew up that way and that was how life was and not the plastic throwawy crap of today and the cars now are made up of parts from 15 million countries so to speak, any wonder the aussie car ind is stuffed.
Above all that I'm a motorsprt fan and whatever one might think of the current V8 s/cars...well i dont give flying fuck...it gives me my fix of V8 grunt and nothing else matters,
unfortunatly though:rant::rant: I have to travel to syd & qld to be around my fav V8 motorsport:rant:

There aint nothin like a V8:cheers!:
While I'd love to see a return to the old format up on Mt Panorama, the 24H race proved that it's popularity isn't going to be enough to justify it and the ticket sales for the 100km race far exceed the races with other makes.

It seems that polarity is required for the audience, and giving them too wide a choice just sends 'em running for simpler stuff. And sometimes, that ain't bad - figuring out a bunch of parameters while you're trying to have fun just takes the fun out of it.
I still have my first car. It's a Ford & has recently celebrated it's 42nd birthday.

If I was still into that Holden Vs Ford thing we would be enemies. It's o.k you can hate me if you want. I luv yas awl anyways. :big_smile:

I find the utes more interesting than the current V8 Supercars because they are closer to reality. I reckon to make Bathurst a bit more interesting, they should change direction half way through. Better still, randomly pick road registered taxis & run the race with them being the only ones on the track. It would give me a brand to barrack for. Better not use taxi drivers though, they would take the long way. Yeah all silly pipe dreams.

There is no turning back the clock & besides I'm just too old & cranky anyway.
I still have my first car. It's a Ford & has recently celebrated it's 42nd birthday.

If I was still into that Holden Vs Ford thing we would be enemies. It's o.k you can hate me if you want. I luv yas awl anyways. :big_smile:

I find the utes more interesting than the current V8 Supercars because they are closer to reality. I reckon to make Bathurst a bit more interesting, they should change direction half way through. Better still, randomly pick road registered taxis & run the race with them being the only ones on the track. It would give me a brand to barrack for. Better not use taxi drivers though, they would take the long way. Yeah all silly pipe dreams.

There is no turning back the clock & besides I'm just too old & cranky anyway.

I think you should leave the V8 supercars thing alone now
and go and watch that girlyman thing called F1 with Biscuits.
F1 may be girlie racing but one thing it is better than is that bloody round ball game they play over seas. Oh farming mate is a Pom (sad git) and he takes great pride in ringing us at 8am to tell us how well Crystal Palace has played or how they were robbed. My new task before he gets back from holidays is to find out who CP's main rival is and wrap his house in those coloured streamers for his return.
Soccer ain't so bad, a mate of mine is a huge fan of Everton.

Everytime I go around to his place and the Soccer is on, you pretty much cant talk as he cracks the shits.

If Everton loses, he cracks the shits and throw's the remote and starts swearing his head off. Haha.
I'm not scared of a Pom with jet lag, although I am scared of a Pom in a Prado so I'll pick my time :big_smile:

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