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No saturday work for me yet, That starts in a couple of weeks weather permitting, Could do with a few weeks of o/t before xmas
Goats can be shits to keep in a paddock, We use to have a couple to save mowing the couple of acres out the front, Ringlock or heavy netting and electric stitches them up
Yeah the fence we are currently doing is about 800 meters of ringlock with 3 rows of barb on the top because the outer side will eventually be cow paddocks. Goats shit me because they are so fragile, we have about a hundred sheep roaming the properties and they really do fend for themselves but the goats always seem to need attention, but their wool sold for double what the sheep's did this year and at $19 a goat to buy they are a cheap lawn mowing service with benefits.

I don't want to think about Chrissie yet, if we finish this job before chrissie we just have to start the other farm sooner.
The boss just took on 800 on lease, Fark me the fences are quality, Spent wednesday patching up one boundary fence and put hot wire up on a internal fence. The only good thing is i hope i get to shoot it, It,s got some nice rocky patches for the rabbits
Our current paddock is about 120 acres, has a roo habitat in one area, rabbits holes in another, land slips on the southern boundary and is the roughest, rockiest prick of a paddock I've had the displeasure to work on. Part of the problem is the previous tenant before we brought the place was a prick and when he knew he was going to get kicked out he treated the place like shit and with all the rain just let the cattle wreck the place.

The next farm we have to do is as steep as buggery but atleast it's not lumpy and rocky like this one, kind of looking forward to that one.
Trust me we didn't put the bloody thing there, the buggers have been there for about 20 years as far as we can tell.

But I don't mind being a little green, we are getting paid to make "green areas" and water courses on this property. People may laugh at greenies and say they are a waste of space but this job has so far cost us $22K in bits and pieces alone so any money certain groups are happy to give us to make a few changes which really don't effect us greatly are all good.
I just wish the boss would take on some decent deer country save me traveling to SA to go shooting, He had a fair patch of parks victoria ground at hastings had deer on it but wasn,t supposed to shoot it, Had to bait the foxes and rabbits because being goverment ground it was full of them
The fox crews out the western districts love the work the green groups have done planting tree corridors and swamp regeneration, It makes for some good fox drives with the hounds
You wouldn't get near our paddocks with a shotgun, one of our group is a dead set greenie and would freak out big time if anyone shot things on the properties, but atleast she knows how to get all the greens grants.

If we really wanted to go shooting I reckon I could find deer, pig, rabbit, roo and koala within about 30 mins of home to play with, although koala's are not really a sport so I probably wouldn't chase them too often.
My other boss didnt want us shooting ducks on his place this year fair enough i just shot all of the neighbors places next door instead, Bit he,s changed his tune now, He,s starting to whinge about the duck shit 6 inches thick on his little fishing jetty, Telling me now that i might have to shoot some for him next year
Yeah it's funny how some people change their tunes when they realise exactly what happens when their hair brained ideas don't work quite right.
Wombats are a fair sport, Try to kick one in the bum in the spotlight, Never seen anyone catch one buts its funny to watch anyone stupid enough to chase it in the dark falling arse over tit
There,s deer over past Daylesford around glenlyon and trentham but it,s not worth even trying all the weekenders and greenies over that way, There is a few pigs as well but the doggers are the only ones that have luck on them, I,ll stick with the hares and rabbits around home and the odd SA trip after deer
Wombats are a prick on the road, I agree they are fair game but anyone stupid enough to chase one is just entertainment to me :big_smile:
A mate of mine has a group of guys who all share a cabin up in the high country where they spend a week at a time shooting anything that moves. The dogs live up there and someone is up there feeding them every week but otherwise they go up atleast once a month. We used to go up and go fishing with them for a few days but fishing died off, not sure if they haven't been shooting fish when the hunting has been slow :sarcastic:
They are a menace on the farms, I'm happy to be rid of them but as previously stated shooting on our farm would be very taboo, I'd rather argue with the dumbat.

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