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I'm off to Double Island point first thing in the morning for a few days. Can't wait. I'll think of all you blokes working tommorrow ;)
I know I am not working! Taken the day off, was going to catch up on paperwork, but it's hard to get motivated. Perfect day today, warm, blue skies, sitting on the patio with the laptop contemplating the universe!

Could go for a drive, but the Nav is in for a service today.
Half your luck!

I stated in another thread how I wasn't into using my Nav like a submarine in creeks but sheesh with all this rain I'm starting to wonder if maybe sticking an outboard on the back like Clarkson did in Top Gear isn't going to serve me better.

Up Periscope!
Spent all day yesterday putting water tank & dual battery setup on my nav, need to get it finished for tomorrow but just surfing porn sites now cos I have a hangover
Not too sure mate, hopefully a nice quiet one. Half day at work tomorrow, hopefully a nice easy day (I am going to jinx myself saying that).

Nothing planned yet, its a nice change, we have had stuff on every bloody weekend for what seems like forever.
hahahaha i wish that was what i meant mate. yeah half day for me tomorrow matt. hopefully get my apprenticeship all signed off so loving it
diesel fitter. only taken me 5 years but finally hahaha. started off machining and had a bit of a falling out with that.
shit yeah cant wait for the pay rise. haha. you enjoy your weekend tooo matt. seen the pic of your sliders too they look nice mate. mite have a go at knocking some up at work.

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