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The extreme part is making sure you stop doing it by the time you reach the built up areas.

The bad bit is when you find out that the pricks have stuck a traffic island somewhere to stop people cutting corners.
Statute of limitations must be over on the 550. I remember getting told in no uncertain terms that no such discussions relating to said 550 were to be made in public.
Woohoo so fcuking glad to log onto facebook and other such sites today and not be bombarded with ads from the Libs, Labor and the Sex Party. Now it's over they can all go and fcuk themselves! (although somehow I doubt that will happen, they'll no doubt choose to fcuk us instead)
The only thing I ever tell pollies is where they can go -- never politely! That being the case, they'll never know whether I'm braced or not.
Yeah. Better brace ourselves.

One side believe were entering The time of milk and honey. The other believe it will be cut slash and cut some more and then when theres nothing left they will slash some more. I know what i believe, that its time for bread and water.oh and i believe in this term or The next The gst will go up. Hows 15% sound, its a nice easy figure and will reap or rape From everyone
Substandard overpriced internet is probably on the cards too, but since we'll probably also end up with a net filter net speeds wont be an issue because we wont have anything remotely viable to look at on the net anyway. But apeman is going to be braced and ready, we can all just send any pollies straight to him.
On the upside in the land of milk and honey, I should be able to go and get a new job so easy, because Abbott is the messiah and will lead us all into the promised land, you know the one, pay cuts and loss of penalty s and conditions. Well it promises to be good for big business, which people mistakenly believe is good for the lower classes, because reality is big business wants big profits not more staff with fair conditions
Well I'd certain rather be a dairy farmer than a bee farmer, how friggen hard would it be to milk a bee.

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