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Mate ive been really busy trying not to be busy, where have you been of late?

Been dropping by briefly, been tied up selling and then buying a new rifle. And one of my boys has had me checking out 4wd utes with him, might get a 05 ford courier single cab, looking at a ex farm ute needs a door and a guard and a new piece of checker plate on the tray and then a good tidy up
What did you end up getting?
Have you looked at the older model (the one before the latest version) diesel tritons , the last few day trips a bloke has been joining us in his triton and he has no mechanical sympathy at all, he treats the thing with total distain and it just keeps going. I have seen him have a wheel in the air on full noise and then snatch another gear!! they must have a tough driveline. and the engine seems pretty good.
It's a sako kodiak in 375 h+h. He,s just looking at whatever's cheap, and we can get the courier for $2000. Probably take the same again including tyres and reg to put it n order.
2K sounds good, is it a petrol?
just watch the gear box in those, i use to have a few bravo's and they all like to throw 3rd gear after they get a bit of a growling sound.
and with those last words.......

dont care about the past

lets endeavor to provide a "factual" post future and not be led blindly by misinformation
Dealers must be getting desperate again.

Just received an email in the free email account I use to sign up for things I don't want people to get my details from and there is an email for a Victorian Nissan dealer who I have not emailed in 4 years and only contacted through carsales.com.au to get the details of where a car was located. I never brought the car, never even followed up once I had it's location and now they are offering me 2 years free servicing, $5000 of extras on any new car I purchase and minimum $5000 trade in without even knowing what car I actually own.

Now if only I actually wanted to trade in.
I had mine serviced recently and asked them how they went with the bash plates on and whether the sump plug lined up properly with the opening in the plate.

No problem I was told and besides he said they use a piece of cardboard to direct the oil though the hole.

When I got home I noticed that the plastic engine cover was nearly off. One bolt missing and the only half done up.

Took it back and they replaced the missing bolt but didn’t think the mechanic would have been responsible because there was no need to take it off. For the life of me I can’t understand how he could have possibly filled the crankcase without noticing the loose engine cover?

Anyway later I checked the oil which was black, but that is typical after the service ,which I think is due to the location of the sump plug and the fact a little bit of oil is always left in the bottom of the sump.

Checked the bash plate and it was clearly visible that the cover on the bash plate to access the sump plug had not been removed. Checked the oil filter and saw that is has evidence of dry, dirty water droplets, which could have happened if they gave the engine bay a bit of a wash?

Feeling pretty sick in the guts, thinking I have to call them in the morning and ask them wtf did they actually do? Also wifie would have to take the car back because I couldn’t take another day off work.

Anyway the sump plug looked fairly clean and I think I can see a nice new, 5 fcuking dollar, copper sump plug washer. It also looks like they may have taken the whole bash plate off do the oil change?

They are generally good guys and charge a bit less than the fixed price service cost. I am reasonably confident that the oil & filter have been changed but will go back to my paranoid ways and mark the oil filter next time to be sure.

If they hadn’t spun BS about the access hole and the engine cover wasn’t nearly off, I wouldn’t have been suspicious.

Anyway hence my comment about the "free service".
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The problem with any service is that unless you are there watching never truly know what is going on, it's not just Nissan dealers, it's not even restricted to the car industry.

Unfortunately if there is a way to cut corners and make a job go quicker chances are it will be taken. If we are all honest we do it ourselves in our daily jobs, no one wants to spend longer doing a job than they have to.

Some corners are more obvious than others and some people are naive enough to think that if there are 20 steps written somewhere each one of those 20 steps will be taken but unfortunately in this day and age where we all want less work and more money for that work it's just not the case.
Unfortunately if there is a way to cut corners and make a job go quicker chances are it will be taken. If we are all honest we do it ourselves in our daily jobs, no one wants to spend longer doing a job than they have to.
Sadly this doesn't work for me! Every time I take a short cut I end up having to re do the job again, hence I don't bother trying anymore :banghead:
Sadly this doesn't work for me! Every time I take a short cut I end up having to re do the job again, hence I don't bother trying anymore :banghead:

You sound like the tradesmen that we all wish we were getting to do the job, I,m lucky in that I,m mates with the electrician and the plumber and the panel beater. So many people get stooged
You sound like the tradesmen that we all wish we were getting to do the job, I,m lucky in that I,m mates with the electrician and the plumber and the panel beater. So many people get stooged
Thanks mate. My ethos for work is, if I wouldn't settle for it at home then I'm not going to try and pass it off to anyone else.
If people didn't learn to cut corners we'd still be living with square wheels. Cutting corners is how we become more efficient, unfortunately it's also how we become complacent. Anyone who suggests they can't or haven't cut corners in their job is not being honest, it may be once, it may be everyday but we've all done it and will do it again.
Back when I used to run the shop and was headed home at midnight I used to cut corners too. Worked out that doing it every night of the year I saved myself about 200ks a year.....was a huge money saver!

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