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  • image-3217243813.jpg
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Take me to the final and I'll be your friend forever FB....now that's a horrible thought isn't it!
To windy to go outside here, the wind is suppose to die down after lunch but it's still a good excuse.
I'm going to blame the Bureau of Meteorology, bastards said winds from the N NW turning W to 40kph this morning and rain in the south. We ll it's true we are south of somewhere but we now have rain and gusty winds. Stupid BOM and their hand out the window methods of estimating weather.
So now i know where you live, East of Melbourne and west of NZ, And your north of Tasmania and south of the border . So that makes you a bloody mexican
Never been in a b double and i have no plans on starting. 6x4 are a shit, Thats why most camper trailers have a long drawbar

What gets me is how you need a license to drive a truck but any nufti with a car license can hook a trailer to his car and drive it around with who knows what in the back. Then even further to that they become old and grey and think they'd towed a 6x4 around three times so they can become a grey nomad and hook a 25 foot van behind them.

So now i know where you live, East of Melbourne and west of NZ, And your north of Tasmania and south of the border . So that makes you a bloody mexican

Man if that's the closest you can narrow it down to you need help!

I'm coming up your way to see a client in the next week or two, well when I say your way it's NNW of Melbourne somewhere between the Hume Hwy and the SA border, but not as far us as the NSW border :ha:
$600? You referring to that scam that started at Linfox or where ever that was in the news this week?
You are right, Anyone can attempt to tow trailers and caravans. Yet when i got my heavy artic i had to prove i could reverse it

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