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I've got a good plan for you. $129 a month 4G, I nearly shat myself when the doc told me he'd signed himself up for that plan so that we can use the laptop while we are out on the farm weighing and registering the cows. If we are lucky we'll need the net long enough to transfer half a dozen small data files and he's gone and signed himself up on some massive data plan for it. Good too see some people are keeping Telstra running.
Is that 4 gig or 4G?

We have 3 gig from Telstra & the new plans are 4 gig which are be the same price. I am wary to change over because they have given us an extra $10.00 discount ($20.00 in total) as that is what they promised us when we signed up. It took a fair bit of push for them to honour the deal.

So I don't think I will take up your kind offer Krafty. On the bright side, if you get bored, you will be able to surf a fair bit of porn in the paddocks.
4G I think the download limit is 3gig

The prick who gets caught surfing porn while the rest of us are trying to herd cattle through the crush and weigh them etc is the prick who finds them self surfing porn in the crush.
Given the way two of our blokes operate it wouldn't be porn I'd be worried about anyway it would be mail order brides. One's managed to hook his but the other bloke is still looking for the love of his life since the last one got refused a visa to leave home.
Finally installed the rear vision camera in the Navara today.

I could never make a living from car installations. Much too slow.

Just got to fit the other camera to the van now.

Doesn't help when I keep stopping top check what's happening here.
Kept coming back to check to see if there was any more info posted about Igor & Boris & their Eastern European brides.

Or whether they had disgraced themselves in the rotary dairy.
Igor potted his bride and began his second attempt at getting a batch of decent squirts after the first go failed miserably. Boris failed miserably all round because he chose the wrong bride and the Russky government suggested it would be only fair if she tried to pay all those years of back taxes before leaving the country.

We don't have a dairy, you'll have to tell us all about how people disgrace themselves in one since you were checking back too see what happened.
Perhaps we could have a daily instalment about the life & times of Boris & Igor. Sounds like it would be a hoot.

You must have been wondering wtf with all the milking references. In my defence you do have cattle & live in Gippsland. Good enough for me :embarassed:
Piss Orrrrrfffff I don't want to spend any more days with them that I have to, buggered if I'm going to write a daily report on what they get up too

We have goats sheep and llamas too but we don't milk them :ha: Our cows are beef only, we don't even eat our own cows most of them get shipped off to sale rather than the butcher. We do actually have an old dairy on one property but it's been converted into a cattle crush and holding area, a small hospital and a kitchen area. Milking cows is too much hard work.
Hmmm, it all becomes clear.

At the risk of ridicule, I can't eat my own meat, so to speak. I would rather but it from a butcher than eat something I have seen walking around. No Bear Grylls here I am afraid.

Best not to mention the 2 pet steers that follow me around either.
For us it's not a case of can't eat the meat it's a case of they are bred to sell not to eat. We took one for food 12 months ago because it wouldn't have sold at the markets but that's the first one in ages.

All our bloody cows follow us when we are in the paddocks, it's annoying to have 100 cows all standing next to you mooing and slurping while your trying to do something. I was considering changing my underwear to stop such attraction but then I thought against it, one effort doesn't outweigh the pleasure. (now I should use the embarrassed icon you used above!)
I must be a mongrel then, I buy lambs/sheep the kids look after them, and then I get the kids to help me put them in the freezer
We wouldn't be allowed to freezer meat the sheep or goats, Mrs Greenie would have kittens if we wanted to eat one of her silly animals she does nothing with, besides after the last summer where 10 just dropped dead I don't think I want to eat them.

Cows are different, cows are money when they leave the farm, we could eat them but the cost of slaughtering our own comes out nearly the same as buying stuff from the local butcher so it's just as easy to market as many as possible.

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