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Well I can't speak for siringo but I don't wear cod pieces so your efforts might be wasted.
Aussie made cruize isn't bad, I test drove one 6 months ago and liked it. Haven't been in an i30 for ages but it was ok. Suzuki sponsor the Melbourne Storm so atleast you know you're money is going somewhere decent :big_smile:
Nothing if not consistent.

I'd have brought the mother in law a Cruize if it had been my choice but she had other influences which were idiots.
Well you were silly enough to ask, what did you expect everyone on here to agree and make up your mind for you :ha:

This morning I asked the question of my mate who brought his missus an I30, why the I30 over the likes of the Cruize that seems to be a better all round car and his response was. "I30 is for young girlies who want to look good or old ladies who want too look young, Cruize is on a par with the I30 but doesn't suit women who want to show off." I guess I am just a women who doesn't like to show off since I prefer the Cruize :big_smile:

Has that added to the confusion?
His missus is already going to show him up driving any of the three choices he doesn't want to go over the top!!
Geez I bet Courtney and Brighty just said OUCH!! They really should have picked on softer walls
Pretty exciting day.

Rubbish bins delivered. Still waiting in anticipation of the first actual collection. It is almost like living in the civilised world. Not that there is much to be said about the "civilised world".

Anyway buggered if I know where they can be left for pick up. Only a dirt road with an open drain on either side.

Still the wheels might come in handy.
We used to just park them where ever they sat without falling over.

You might feel a bit more civilized having a rubbish collection but that feeling soon disappears if like when we changed your rates jumped for those "garbage collection services". At our old place the council rates jumped about 27% when they amalgamated and decided we need a rubbish collection. Sure the truck came once a week but we got f'all else.
I think it is going to be about 300 & something bucks which I am happy to pay because it is such a pain to dispose. Anything that can burn, does at my place. Mind you I won't mention the time I set the farm on fire on Grand Final day. Oops did I just mention that? Don't think the CFA boys were happy.

The residents in the area had to vote for or against and in fact the first time the voting was declared invalid & then we had to vote again, with those for the service, narrowly winning. I reckon those who voted against would be mighty annoyed but then if my rates end up 27% dearer, I will be mighty annoyed as well.
We didn't have a choice the council told us it was happening whether we wanted it or not. Before it happened we had a skip bin that about 20 of us paid yearly hire for (never stopped the neighbour burning her kids shitty nappies though...eeewww) and it got emptied weekly but the council told us "use the service or not you're paying for it".

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