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We got called slaves when we went in to have a "work meeting" at the mates office today. Bastard told his secretary we are the slaves and as such deserve no attention, no food and no payments. By the time he arrived at the farm this arvo we had a picket line across the gate so he couldn't get in, was only that bungy cord from the sparky fence with a sign saying "Picket Line Don Not Cross" but the idiot drove through it and tore the headlight cover off the Playdo.

poor prado:sarcastic:
Everyone exists when some other bugger wants something.

Dunno what it's like up your way but we've had a few mm of rain this week and the tracks have turned to mush. It's nearly easier to drive around the paddocks than it is around the tracks.
We had 11 mm sunday morning, It hasn,t done much but we have slowed down irrigating, They were windrowing the ryegrass seed crop today
Part of our problem is that we had 5 tipper and dogs full of crushed rock dumped on the tracks to make it easier for the trucks to get up to the landing where we are putting the cattle yards but the stuff they mix the rocks with has turned soggy and mushy with the splattering of rain and with our traffic it's getting dragged everywhere. The landing is finally big enough for a cattle crush and yard now though.
What was it b grade crushed rock, we have to fix the yards and loading ramp at the new block, Dropped 150 cows over there so now we have to be able to load them back up to come home sometime in the future
Yeah it's B grade. Was originally suppose to just be a bed for the concrete in the yards but someone got carried away when they ordered it and decided we needed to fix the tracks while the excavator was on site. Gotta give the excavator bloke credit though, he's been on site 4 days and has moved all the fallen trees up to the top paddock to make one huge bonfire, he's cleared a new track for the greenie fence he moved a plastic tank for us and even leveled off the cattle yard area which was job he was actually there for.
B grades good but sometimes there,s a lot of dust in it, Doesn,t matter when its dry it packs nice but with rain it can turn to slush
Yeah that's part of our problem, the dust has turned to soup, and not a good flavour either. Ramming posts in and having to continually maneuver the tractor around the wet dust and rock doesn't help either but whats farming without a bit of mess...atleast it's not cow shit like it was for the first 4 weeks while the cows had the run of the place :big_smile:
Morning ladies! What's new? I am bored as and all I can think about is getting the Nav dirty. When is there going to be a nsw day out?
You from Sydney? I could use a couple of the pads for the sports bar mounts if you keen to offload them?
FB come out the farm with me you'll get dirty alright, after last nights rain even the main track is 4wd only now. Once you get past the front gate I'll latch the chain on and tow you the rest of the way since you only have a D22 :ha:
Hahah I'd love to get back into some manual labour to be honest. But you're a ta far from home for me mate. I've been considering gettin out of service and back into something involving manual work.
No dirtyness intended. I'm over sitting behind a desk and getting blasted because Nissan don't like to help
Yeah but if you give up working for Nissan we will have no one to blast when Nissan piss us off!
Some other dumbass will surely step in. I do love the guys I work with though. Only reason I'm still here. And at the age of 22 with no major qualifications the money in on is quite handy

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