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1 roo will feed dogs for a month
just because you take a firearm doesn't mean you will be firing off 100's of rounds
but each to there own and i guess storing them o/nite is an issue
it was just a suggestion
lets organise a hunting weekend
i have acess to a property near willowtree
At one stage, in the last century, hunting invitations were not too hard to come buy up there, but things change. Especially who owns the places now.

AFAIK it is all private lands, with a bit of state forest, national parks and similar scattered throughout it.

Despite being told that Nundle has a good patchwork shop, The Boss isn't changing her plans. So it still looks like we will be arriving Friday evening and at worst case will chase you up on Saturday morning. <Time to get out and crawl under the CT to finish fixing the brakes.>
I didn't realize that replacing a windscreen ment taking off your snorkel. I've spent all morning taking apart the snorkel best I can so I can get this windscreen done before Friday morning..
So it turns out the guy that replaced my windscreen has a caravan at nundle and reckons the peel inn pub has great food on a Friday night and if you want cheap drinks the bowling club is the place to go. Also reckons there's some good tracks up there for everyone to have a play on...
another great trip
nice easy drive friday getting us into nundle a bit early cause the map was damaged
we found a few tracks fri arvo for a play and tony joined in
back to nundle for the night
the motel would have been the better option for accomidation ( we stayed at pub)
the food was overpriced,and overcooked and the rooms were average
but with the free entertainment(thanx bro) we had a good night
sat morning after breaky and refuel we headed back out and found a bit of mud
damage was done
1 shocky fell off (toyota)
all gauges stopped working (toyota)
someone broke an abs sensor while recovering a stuck toyota
tony finally saw a bit of real 4wdrivin and loved it
his rig is more capable than he realises
after the fun was over we headed back to ellerston/moonan flat with a stop for lunch
great drive through some really nice country
the property at ellerston (packers playground) is simply amazing
the stables are massive
private 18 hole golf course
private car race track
immaculate padocks and fencing
great trip guys
bring on the next trip




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That was magic and next time (as long as Nissan can get the parts here) I'll not be so shy about those deeper mud holes.

I think I'll also do three other things differently:

1) I'll wind out a little of my winch and hook it around my antenna so that it's easier to get to if I get stuck.

2) I'll put the hitch receiver block in before I hit the soft stuff

3) I'll put a pair of gumboots in the tub so I can trudge around hooking up stuck Toyotas without messing up my nice boots.

Bloody great time was had by us. We won't do Nundle again unless we can eat somewhere else because that food was shit disguised as something edible. Nahh, not shit, because that stuff would kill plants.

The company was great and I think we could probably have a ball in Watagans on some of those side tracks now. Bring it on!
sounds like a good trip - the shit that would kill plants that you ate...... now that doesnt sound pretty...... maybe road kill may have been a better option????
Note to self: dont stop and eat at Nundle...
I was thinking, I might extend the diff & gearbox breathers as well, moving them right up somewhere high like in the corner behind the ABS near the bonnet hinge. I don't want to risk any trouble!
I'll go thru my pictures and video footage and see what I can come up with :).. was a good trip with great company. Cant wait for the next one
well after pickin the old duck up from sydney airport (spot the aussie)
i commenced the clean up
and i had a better look at abs sensor
it looks like its a replace not repair job
wiring goes back to centre of diff into 2 plugs and theres no slack
so ile email garry at nissbits
maybee the wreckers?

ile send the bill to dave but i dont like my chances
F*&^%$N toyotas

Sparra is there anything you can do to stop a reoccurrence?? or was it just crappie luck??

i did see that people have put flexi conduit around the wires, but it looks like that wouldn't of help in your case??
Looks like a top weekend guys, disappointed i missed it but it would have been pretty unfavorable if i missed my mates bucks night.

Shame about your navara Sparra, i guess you get to know Gary at Nizzbits a little better. He will be getting a little more business from me soon.

I would be interested in a Watagans trip towards the end of the year, navara xmas party?
Sparra is there anything you can do to stop a reoccurrence?? or was it just crappie luck??

i did see that people have put flexi conduit around the wires, but it looks like that wouldn't of help in your case??

crappy luck
i found the offending tree branch sitting on top of spring
the muck we were going through had previous peoples track building timber in the ruts,and i went back through it twice(while 2x d40's sat and watched, well ok tony helped with the winching of said stuck toyota and brad finished the job as soon as he stopped rolling on ground laughing)
just bad luck
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Just been thru the photos and footage and while the footage isn't the best, some of the photos are pretty good. Can't upload or email them so I'll burn them onto disc for everyone

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