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Hey fellas, just got quoted for my exhaust. A full custom 3" exhaust for $1350.... Just wondering if You guys think that's a good price???
how bout an o/nite run up to polblue
i know it will be freezing
that will sort the girls out and make it a blokes trip
a big fire and a bottle or 3 should keep us comfy
we could leave early sat ,be there by 12 , play all sat arvo and sun morning

or an early start late finish day trip ?
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sparra04 said:
how bout an o/nite run up to polblue
i know it will be freezing
that will sort the girls out and make it a blokes trip
a big fire and a bottle or 3 should keep us comfy
we could leave early sat ,be there by 12 , play all sat arvo and sun morning

or an early start late finish day trip ?

I know this is a stupid question but where is polblue??? I'd be interested for sure
Hahaha yeah leave the girls at home... That weekend sounds like a goer, not sure if ill take my Nav though, might jump in with CY10n... I dont want to get it dirty... lol
there are apparently some challenging sidetracks in the area
its about 4 hrs to polbule via gloucster
(maybe we could head up through dungog/ frying pan/barrington)
and roughly the same going home through scone, maybe lunch at moonan flat (vic hotel)
i havent been up that way for 20 yrs so i have no recent knowledge but ive heard theres some good tracks
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You can no longer use the Mount Nelson Track to get from the Chichester Forest side up to the top of the Barringtons. The only way in now is via Gloucester or Scone.

Polblue is 1550m above sea level. In winter during the day the chance of the ground water defrosting is rather low. NPWS runs the place and will close the road if it gets dangerous.

Snow chains are highly advised. Polblue Trail is currently closed, as is Barrington Trail South. Contact the local office on 6538 5300 to see if the main road has been closed.

Watch the cold up there. It's higher than the Blue Mountains (highest point in the BM is 1110m). Wind chill will cause frostbite up there - so if we get a southerly with a low pressure trough over the area you can bet you'll have snow and a bitterly cold time.
I'm definitely interested on an overnighter, but there's no way I would be able too go by myself, my missus would cut my balls off if I tried too leave her behind, she loves this shit as much as me. Tony's right about the barringtons, it will be bloody cold up there?? Are you up for a trip tony? Where would you go?
I'm easy though.
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Sounds like a good trip, kicking myself because i cant make this one. I spent the long weekend away north of Taree and im off to Timor Caves this weekend (we'll see how cold it gets there).
If the parents were'nt taking off overseas on monday i probably could have gone :-(
We just spent the long weekend in Telegherry Forest. It was a mudbath coming back out, absolutely glad to have had 4WD to haul the van up the freshly-laid clay tracks. Talk about eels in buckets of oil!

We've got things on this weekend in Sydney but we will be going the weekend after to Broke, then having a quiet weekend (23/24 Jun) and on 30Jun/1Jul we'll be at Coopernook Forest Headquarters.
sparra04 said:
plan b ?
someone ?
anyone ?
brad ?(check ur pm's i lost ur number)

To be honest I dont know of anywhere to go but if we find a spot to go im in no matter what..
Well what weekend are we goin? 30th?
That's my first weekend off, coopernook sound good but that only if you don't mind us tagging along tony? Don't want too intrude on your weekend.
I'm keen too get up that way away n start exploring, I want too get up to coffs harbour too. Heard that there's good tracks and camping up there.
See this is where all the local knowledge should kick in... if we were on the south coast id pretty much have us sorted. I dont know about you guys but snow doesnt really worry me. Ive camped in Mt sarah hut, vic high country in 1m of fresh snow. We dont have to sleep in the stuff, and can always drop back down the mountain further to sleep. But if as tony says, the roads are closed, thats a long way to go to have to turn around. Lladnar, im in the same boat as you, my Mrs loves it as well and would be mad keen to come...
Is there anywhere out behind the watagans we could go? or out to this Teleghary creek? how long does it take to get out there Tony? btw, sparra have you got your R hunting licence? wouldnt mind knocking over a deer for to put some meat in the fridge:) oh and ill do all the dirty work, I am a butcher after all...

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