Just clocked 210,000 on my 05 zd30 this morning still going strong.
222 thousand klms - have replaced lots and lots of things - possibly more than you would believe / even had to take the guards off and re-weld the body all the way back to the firewall / had a hard life for a four year old car
2004 ST-R with only 214kms........Thats on the new motor the whole car has 215000
270,000 and now it needs new injector pump. Has had new clutch and slave cylinder. Apart from that all good. Tows 2 tons everyday, and has been up most beaches in WA as well as canning stock route.
Basically it started with 0707 fault nice to know Robbo, mines 03 ZD30 with 272'000ks .. Can I ask what the symptoms of an Injector Pump going where? And how much to replace ? Labor? thanks..cheers vic
Hey Resto,
Was it much drama to change out the injector pump?
I'm still deciding what to do with mine. How many hours do you think it took you to do it?