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I am sick to death of seeing this ****.

I would love nothing more, then seeing the Police handing out $5000-$10,000 fines for this crap, give the parents a $2000 fine aswell for letting there kids out at 3am. Oh and make them clean it off, back to the way it was before there ****** attempt at art was added.

If they do it twice, give them 6 months in gaol and stop giving them tv, the internet, pay tv and all the other ****. They're in there because the ****** up, not for a holiday for God's sake.

I dont wanna hear crap about them having a hard life. Tough ****, harden the **** up and get on with life. You can choose to be a good person or choose to be a low life. Be a low life and pay the consequences.

If it was acceptable, the police would let you do it in the middle of the day. Why is it acceptable to you at 3am ffs.

I am sick to death of these Do Gooders making horse **** excuses everytime someone is a ******* and does the community wrong.

Some people really should be sterilised so they cant breed more scum.

NSW's current penalties that aren't harsh enough.
There's another problem with this as well. If, as a concerned citizen, you try to approach & discourage these people from vandalising someone else's property, they could very easily turn on you and attack you. Photographing them at night is obvious and if they start chasing you, you could be in danger.

I don't know why they do it. I've heard kids say "If I can't have it, nobody else can either" and so they destroy things - maybe it's part of that. These kids obviously never learned that you get what you earn - the value of things just wasn't impressed on them enough as kids.

I agree that the parents need to be included. I would probably look at some education around values - both moral and material, as well as ownership and what that means. It's as if they don't understand that vandalising someone's property results in the owner of that property having to repair it.

A few years back, some ******** had sprayed "Evict the rich" on the fence of a residential house not far from here. It's not a particularly wealthy suburb, but some people here do own their own homes and this home in particular was owned by an elderly couple who had probably built the place back in the 1940s. Needless to say, they weren't particularly rich, but some demented kid thought they were and needed to make a completely misguided point.
C'mon you guys, loosen up. It's art & they are making a social & political comment :sarcastic:

Seriously, would consider a finger for each offence (cut off, not inserted). The message would soon get across.
Tbh there is some nice work out there, not the tagging bs but actual graffiti art looks great. You couldnt agree that there is some major skill required?

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We've got tags everywhere here in Ballarat - I can't decipher any of it so what's the point? The council recently commissioned an artist to paint the traffic light control boxes in town, and they look great.
There is a difference between graffiti and art,unfortunately some people do blur the lines aand put the wrong stuff in the wrong places but some of the stuff is brilliant. There used to be a huge Commando painted on the wall of a cardboard recyclers which could only been seen from the Dandenong/Cranbourne train many years ago, it was illegally done but it was f'n brilliant. Tagging is a different matter, that's rarely artistic.
Dave! Well said mate. I do think there are some decent artists out there though the majority is absolute rubbish. I had my car tagged once - NOT HAPPY.
I think you stopped short at graffiti offenders though. You watch this kid in Sydney get off with a few years for murdering young Tom Kelly in Kings Cross last weekend. No doubt there will be a hard upbringing/alcohol/drugs defence. What a crock of ****. Son, you took a life - You deseve to rot. Enjoy it.
Horse ****! There just kids they don't need $1000 dollar fines or jail just a good kick up the ass! Why would you give a kid a fine that they can't and won't pay? And jail deff isn't the answer we pay enough tax money to keep scum locked up why put more in there?
**** load of tags around here. They come in all sorts of endeavour from the cheap black to 5' high stuff. at one stage i was going to the Casula Powerhouse near Liverpool NSW and the old fuel tanks were officially okay to use for graffiti. Frankly, 90% of it was just big tags. Shops must have been making piles of money from these ADULTS buying a dozen top colour spray cans. The worst part was the breath taking fumes from the drying paint.

There is some research around that says the black ***** is predominantly school kids around bus stops waiting for the school bus. so when the cops get motivated and a-into-g they target the graffiti areas when the school kids will be there.

Colour stuff is generally adults with money. Wanna be artists. Defacing it pisses them off.

Best way to deal with graffiti is to remove it asap. Prevent by applying a sealer coat that allows anything after to be pressure sprayed off it. Local council claims to have a quick response graffiti removal team around.
gahhh i know what you guys are saying, i work in the security industry doing patrol work around the local schools, and the amount of kids ive caught tagging up the schools late at night are unbelieveable, mind you its usally about 4am on a wednesday night when they have school in the morning.

Ive arrested some handed them to police and they just make them clean it off the next day, a week later the same tags are right back in the same spot.. if only i was allowed to handcuff one to a tree and blast the crap outta him with a paintball gun!!!!
I am sick to death of seeing this ****.

I would love nothing more, then seeing the Police handing out $5000-$10,000 fines for this crap, give the parents a $2000 fine aswell for letting there kids out at 3am. Oh and make them clean it off, back to the way it was before there ****** attempt at art was added.

If they do it twice, give them 6 months in gaol and stop giving them tv, the internet, pay tv and all the other ****. They're in there because the ****ed up, not for a holiday for God's sake.

I dont wanna hear crap about them having a hard life. Tough ****, harden the **** up and get on with life. You can choose to be a good person or choose to be a low life. Be a low life and pay the consequences.

If it was acceptable, the police would let you do it in the middle of the day. Why is it acceptable to you at 3am ffs.

I am sick to death of these Do Gooders making horse **** excuses everytime someone is a ******* and does the community wrong.

Some people really should be sterilised so they cant breed more scum.

NSW's current penalties that aren't harsh enough.

Well said Dave!

