Gordy's random chat thread

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I'm still in bed lol

That's ***** amy ! Is nye busy or just another night for u??

When did u say u were gonna upload nav of the month?? There's also videos that need to be uploaded too lol
I'm still in bed lol

That's ***** amy ! Is nye busy or just another night for u??

When did u say u were gonna upload nav of the month?? There's also videos that need to be uploaded too lol

Lucky you. Haha. Just another night but they will all want to stay up and watch the fireworks and fart ass around.

I'll do them when I'm home, nav is in for tinting. I'm uploading it at midnight lol

Geez, got the whip out already hahahah


Gordy lives on instagram lol
So after all the ******** we talked last night on here. who woulda thought I woulda had another dream of myself going to the mines to work. This being in wa isn't doing my head any good hahaha
I won't get in, I don't have any experience. Plus an ex was there as well so god knows what I'm dreaming about an ex and the mines for lol
Must be this Perth air.. It's stirring up your senses and making you dream big.... :)

As for experience, never stopped 90% of the kiwi's and what not's jumping on a plane and landing jobs in the mines.. Start at the Cafe (which they say gets you a foot in) and then wiggle your way in more...

$110K for a Kitchen hand is nothing too shabby :)
Hang on a minute - we talked ******** last night? I thought it was highbrow, well informed, educated and well read discussion ;)

Don't look at the SALARY, look at what you GIVE UP and your lifestyle compromises to get it.. Life's not all about the money.. Sure it makes it easier - but can also ruin it too..
Oh ye that's what I meant

Already have a sporadic social life coz I work shift work and weekends. don't have a bf. I just have a cat and my nav lol
If life has taught me anything it's this..

1. Animals are always there for you.. You don't need a Boyfriend or Girlfriend to feel wanted or be happy..
2. Don't rely on others for your happiness - it's a viscous self defeating cycle.
3. Do what makes you happy. If it's leading a quite life, then so be it. Some of my friends lead a hectic life, but when they have reflection time (ie a few drinks) they are not really happy.
4. Enjoy music.. It really is food for the soul..
5. Be YOU.. Never change for someone - you'll ultimately be unhappy..

Wow, seems I'm feelin' a little melancholy this morning.. Must be New Years eve doing it..