Gordy's random chat thread

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The inboxes are more of a killer with 60sec wait!

Hahahahaha good old fart lighting. My mates do it all the time lol
It takes me like 40 secs to type somthing..then their is the refresh time for tapa...mix that in with a crappy net connection and im definatly 6 posts late
That's the only thing missing from tapa... auto refresh would be good, cause you're halfway through typing something and then someone else replies hahahah
Speaking of random. Reading this - all quiet. Next minute Bloody mosquito buzzin' me. Currently do the 'random swat Air' hoping I belt it. So far it's winning.
I hate mozzies hahahah. Especially stuck inside the cab of either the nav or truck... they are so hard to get rid of grrrr
Ok - this conversation just got real eclectic. 40 seconds worst between farts and refreshing or something something.

Hahaha good to see your keeping up!

I hate mozzies hahahah. Especially stuck inside the cab of either the nav or truck... they are so hard to get rid of grrrr

I don't understand how people can hear mozzies, I can't :( they're always too busy biting me. I have a mozzie repellant wrist band now that wear most summer nights to keep them away

I like the old tapa...so much going on now.....
Gordy...yes im not know for my speedyness..

Haha naaaww we won't hold that against u 😉
Hahah, they don't normally like me, but on occasion they do. Only hear them when trying to go to sleep usually hahahah. That little high pitched buzz lol