The only reason Nissan will be looking into the effects on their engines is so they can identify whether someone has done it.
Haha that wouldn't surprise me one bit!
The dealer did say that they had to repair a vehicle (not sure if it was a Navara, but it was a diesel-powered Nissan car) that had been driven around for a while on 100% biodiesel. It was easy to spot, he said - there was a huge amount of fatty deposits in the filter, fuel pump - everywhere. Repair cost: $7,500.
I actually touched the issue of diesel gas and didn't get a negative reaction from it.
I think we're looking at the unleaded fuel argument again, to be honest. My Jag hated unleaded, it always ran better on super (was probably just the octane rating tho). Some vehicles had to have mods to run unleaded straight (harder valve facings etc).
Give it time. Biodiesel has too much appeal for the government to not take notice. And when they start scribbling stuff down, we'll all see a change.
The thing I stressed most in the meet was that some suppliers were already blending it, at rates up to 20%, and I needed Nissan's response to using that. The answer was as given: it's ok if there are no alternatives.
But that does mean, very strictly, that as soon as possible, we need to return to petroleum based diesel. As it stands, I can't disagree with that.