Dual battery setup

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ok well the dual battery setup is taking place. now ive have come stuck SHIEEETTTTT. i have eveything on its way via post except the main wire, so it cant be 100% completed anyway. the issue i have is where do i run the wire into the tub? how have others done it? i know ive gotta go from main battery follow the chassis rail and then into where? i cant find a hole anywhere or would i need to drill and grommet my own hole in the front wall of the tub or in the wheel arche?

any help would be good

I thought other D22 drivers had reported a grommet in the front wall of the tub similar to the D40's?
i found a smallish hole up under the lip of the tub. otherwise you could run it all the way to the back then up behind the tail lights. then just drill a hole through into your box.
i found a smallish hole up under the lip of the tub. otherwise you could run it all the way to the back then up behind the tail lights. then just drill a hole through into your box.

just to get this right you are talking about the lip that has the canopy etc sitting on top of it? so under that lip should be a hole? i just went for a quick look and i have found 1 location but its gonna use about an extra meter of cable to get to it. it runs up to the drivers side tail light and if you get the cable right up top there is about a 10mm gap between the top of tailight and the lip of tub. its probably the safest way but does use more cable. i would be using my full 6m length just to get to it.

RustyNav09 said:
just to get this right you are talking about the lip that has the canopy etc sitting on top of it? so under that lip should be a hole? i just went for a quick look and i have found 1 location but its gonna use about an extra meter of cable to get to it. it runs up to the drivers side tail light and if you get the cable right up top there is about a 10mm gap between the top of tailight and the lip of tub. its probably the safest way but does use more cable. i would be using my full 6m length just to get to it.


yeah thats it. its only more cable. you could always drill a hole and put grommet in
yeah thats it. its only more cable. you could always drill a hole and put grommet in

Just trying to find the best spot to put a grommet is a dam pain. Any ideas? I'm gonna have a real close look sarvo. Also to secure the battery box down. Would you just use rivnuts or drill and washer with silicone on washer from underneath? I have a heap of 6mm rivnuts just need longer bolts. Just to add I never want to remove the box
I realise mine is a D40 :sorry3: but there is enough room behind my tailight at the top of the tub to bring wires into the tub without drilling.

Maybe poke your finger up under the lip of the tub behind the tailight to see if yours is the same?
I realise mine is a D40 :sorry3: but there is enough room behind my tailight at the top of the tub to bring wires into the tub without drilling.

Maybe poke your finger up under the lip of the tub behind the tailight to see if yours is the same?

That's what I was saying below. Just enough room for 6b&s wire etc
Hi Guys,

Can anyone tell me what size Anderson plug would be best to put in the tub for a removable dual battery set-up (for fridge & lights)? SB50 enough?

Hi Guys,

Can anyone tell me what size Anderson plug would be best to put in the tub for a removable dual battery set-up (for fridge & lights)? SB50 enough?


I think oversized cables and connectors are a GOOD thing. The only thing you shouldn't oversize or undersize is the fuse. Too big and it won't blow when needed. Too small and it'll blow too often or it will heat up and act like a resistor.
Righteo, after reading this whole thread for the 2nd time this year I'm coming up to doing my dual bat setup. I'm going to run 4gauge cable from the main battery but I'm thinking about putting the secondary battery in an "under tray ute box" thing. Like all those checker plate ones you see around. Is this going to be ok..????? I wasn't too sure as I didn't know if it should be sealed or not...???!?
I found the cable On ebay for $18 delivered for 7.6m. (Think that's pretty cheap.)
Do I have a run the negative From the main battery? Or just earthed at both ends......?

Cheers, James.
4GA wire is good stuff, voltage drop ought to be quite minimal - just make sure there's a fuse near the battery because if it shorts out (say it gets snagged by something as you're driving along) it will do a considerable amount of damage.

If your earth points are reliable then you can earth them front and rear, but personally I think running the dual cables is far better - you KNOW that you won't have to worry about that part.

Any battery would be fine in a box, put a vent hole in the top and a drain hole in the bottom.
Hey guys.

Been looking Into starting my battery build.
I've come into some free wiring I'm wondering if it will be sufficient?
It's 25mm2, 2hour fire rated and an ive been told its good for about 110amps, of which I only need 50 for my bcdc redarc 1240.

Is that going to be alright?
You can gerry rig you battery to be a welder if you are desperate but you really don't need welding leads to run a dual battery. 25mm2 is massive, you'll be much better off down in the single figure range.
Hahaha that's handy to know.

I know little about wiring sizes, always was told bigger the better. Is there any down side to using it, Given that its free
Welding via the battery isn't something you should encourage :big_smile:

The basic answer is yes it will work. The downsides are arguable until the sun goes down and each person can probably come up with their own addition which is probably based on opinion more than fact but realistically if you want to do it then go for it, it's overkill but it will work.

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