mate check my build thread
i have just done exactly what your enquiring about
thanks old tony for that great reply and cheers sparra ill check it out now
mate check my build thread
i have just done exactly what your enquiring about
i found a smallish hole up under the lip of the tub. otherwise you could run it all the way to the back then up behind the tail lights. then just drill a hole through into your box.
RustyNav09 said:just to get this right you are talking about the lip that has the canopy etc sitting on top of it? so under that lip should be a hole? i just went for a quick look and i have found 1 location but its gonna use about an extra meter of cable to get to it. it runs up to the drivers side tail light and if you get the cable right up top there is about a 10mm gap between the top of tailight and the lip of tub. its probably the safest way but does use more cable. i would be using my full 6m length just to get to it.
yeah thats it. its only more cable. you could always drill a hole and put grommet in
I realise mine is a D40but there is enough room behind my tailight at the top of the tub to bring wires into the tub without drilling.
Maybe poke your finger up under the lip of the tub behind the tailight to see if yours is the same?
Hi Guys,
Can anyone tell me what size Anderson plug would be best to put in the tub for a removable dual battery set-up (for fridge & lights)? SB50 enough?