Dave's 2006 D22. Sold.

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Out of the three families involved in the farms, with nearly 500 head of cattle, 150 sheep, 6 llamas, 5 mountain cattle and about 30 goats across something like 1200 acres on 5 properties there isn't one motorbike. 4WD's (yes even a D40 :ha: ) make our life easier and considering the Prado gets used for everything from dragging the paddocks to opening gates (at speeds of about 15-20kph) in many ways using motorbikes would be dangerous (or even deadly) for us.
You'd be suprised just how much of a whack the ali bar on the thing can take, it's about the only part of the 18 month old vehicle that isn't bent and we've spent quite a few hours straighten gates by rolling the tractor over them or using the forks because of the times where the gates have been chained when he's done it.
As long as I promise not to post his face or rego he'd probably do it specially for the camera, although the things he does when he doesn't think people are watching are much funnier. He's like a kid he just doesn't see fear.
I know a few guys like that.

Your guts always hurts from laughing after seeing some of the things they do.
Yeah sometimes what he does is actually scary and we do have to pull him up and stop him but most times we just let him go. It's always funniest after the rains though, anyone who reckons the name Toyota automatically means a **** box bogged to the axles that needs pulling out hasn't seen this guy in action, if he actually learnt to drive it he could do amazing things. He does actually listen to the old man because he knows the old man used to be a 4wd instructor (of sorts) but he doesn't always remember the lessons leant.
People like that are funny as to watch but like you said scary at the same time.

Get a video and send it to funniest home videos.

Your bound to win if there isn't any videos of kids doing something stupid as they always win.
That's not entirely true, I've been secretly filming you for months and you haven't done anything that would win me FHV. Your dancing routine a week or so back when you hit the roo was nearly worthy but your tutu just didn't suit your skullcap.
Was that you on the silo at the old nursery ?

I thought, either someone is filming me or wanting to shoot me.
Well the shooting will only come if you don't do something worthy of FHV, I've invested money in this project I want a return.
Can you wait 2 weeks ?

Bullbar is getting sent away and repaired friday so when I get it back Ill do a scene like your mate. Driving flat out through gates.

On a good note.

The bullbar is getting powder coated aswell.
Stupid bouncing rat.

Ok so, need a new left headlight (Through Garry of course).

Bullbar is off and getting sent away.

New condensor shroud. Done.

Clips for the grill to.

So abit of money you could say.

Oh well. Works out to be about $200 for each Roo I have hit.

Bullbar has been strengthened to by my brother on the mount.
Looks like I'll have to make the remote control roo stronger next time if you think you're bullbar is going to be stronger

As she sits at the moment waiting to get my bullbar repaired.

God it sucks having no spotties.
Yeah I remember that from the days of delivering bread. Between blown globes, roo smashed lights and just having shitbox trucks the day you go out without all the candles it's like going out with your eyes closed.