D40 Fuel Economy

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Why not just wait until the muster, stuff the bush bashing people can do that any time, or just leave it to the D22's because D40's can't do it anyway, and everyone takes everyone elses ute for a drive, same track, same run, see just how different each driver will be with economy.

Although I admit I am just pissing in the wind a bit to annoy people it would be a half decent test and given a reasonable distance, no one but the driver in the car influencing things and every driver on the same conditions it would quickly show what economy people are getting not the car. My bet is there would be quite a number of people surprised at the variation between drivers and given the right track etc I wouldn't mind betting there would be a 4-5lph swing between them.
Having said that though , if that was the solution , who wouldn't pay a grand to have it done , we spend way more on trivial things that don't increase our economy , and in some cases could be by 25% or more
Why not just wait until the muster, stuff the bush bashing people can do that any time, or just leave it to the D22's because D40's can't do it anyway, and everyone takes everyone elses ute for a drive, same track, same run, see just how different each driver will be with economy.

Although I admit I am just pissing in the wind a bit to annoy people it would be a half decent test and given a reasonable distance, no one but the driver in the car influencing things and every driver on the same conditions it would quickly show what economy people are getting not the car. My bet is there would be quite a number of people surprised at the variation between drivers and given the right track etc I wouldn't mind betting there would be a 4-5lph swing between them.

No one is saying that different drivers DONT make a difference, its just NOT the ONLY factor in fuel economy.

Thats what i was saying earlier, take the same driver and the same conditions in the same car and add things like weight, wind resistance from external add on like racks and ladders, tyres pressure ect and there will be a difference.
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Having said that though , if that was the solution , who wouldn't pay a grand to have it done , we spend way more on trivial things that don't increase our economy , and in some cases could be by 25% or more

if i were getting REALLY bad economy which i dont think i am considering how i drive and what i carry i would definitely be looking at that, like you say for $1000 its less then i power chip
You're right no one is saying it and I am no one but until such a test is done and lets face it the muster would be an ideal place to do such a test, all the rest of the stuff is just a blame game and it solves nothing because you are all just going around in circles blaming the same things or creating new things to blame. Remove the one factor you can all test and you remove one point of blame thus getting closer to real figures.

I still claim the one thing that can easily be tested is the BIGGEST factor, prove me otherwise.
Without reading back through 44 pages of this thread ( I can't be ****** ) there was a few from memory that were saying they were only getting 500 ks per tank , those blokes should be looking more closely at the idea , as their poor economy could be attributed to engine mileage and injector condition. Lol or as krafty just said , the condition of the right foot
So Krafty by me suggesting that if you were to get the same driver on the same day in the same conditions doing the same speed around the same circuit and then just change things like adding weight, or bigger tyres, or less pressure in those tyres or more pressure, or by adding wind drag then that wouldnt be a fair test??
and you believe that it would NOT make any difference??
Is that what you are saying ?
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Without reading back through 44 pages of this thread ( I can't be ****** ) there was a few from memory that were saying they were only getting 500 ks per tank , those blokes should be looking more closely at the idea , as their poor economy could be attributed to engine mileage and injector condition. Lol or as krafty just said , the condition of the right foot

Yep i agree and you dont need to be a web page designer to figure out that by driving around with your foot to the floor and taking off from every stop light like your in a race is going to use more fuel of course a heavy right foot is going to produce poor fuel figures.
Well we will have to wait until the muster , then it will be feather dusters on the throttles at dawn lol
No I said get each Nav let the driver drive a course record their economy. Then let other owners drive the same car over the same course under the same conditions. Repeat with each car. Look at recorded details, you will notice a trend that every driver drives differently you will also notice a trend that some drivers constantly use more fuel for the exact same run no matter which vehicle they are in.

Identifying the drivers who use more fuel under the same conditions will help identify how much effect drivers can have on economy and who knows might just help some improve their economy. It will also help identify driving styles that are more economical because believe it or not just driving slowly is not a complete answer.

It's got nothing to do with weight and mods and how many dicks you pull it's a simple test that helps factor in how much effect a driver any driver can have on economy and possibly even give a different approach to such calculation.

Sure economy has no single factor, just like CAPITAL letters doesn't make a sentence any more valid but you want to go on an on about what factors effect it and here is a chance to remove or atleast work out a calculable figure for one of those factors but you insist that other factors which at best are harder to work out must be removed.

Start with something you can do not something you can't, although I have my doubts about how accurate such a test could be run at the muster which is why I said it was a piss take.
Yep i agree and you dont need to be a web page designer to figure out that by driving around with your foot to the floor and taking off from every stop light like your in a race is going to use more fuel of course a heavy right foot is going to produce poor fuel figures.

Tony's recent figures suggest otherwise. Heavier foot, more revs quicker to speed less fuel usage.

Maybe you don't need a web designer to tell you how to get better economy but when a web designer can get better than you without trying the web designer reserves the right to piss on any parade.
You keep going on like im disagreeing with the fact that drivers make a difference when clearly im not of course they do that is bloody obvious.
please point out where i said that drivers do not make any difference and it all comes down other factors.
even if we did the test you suggest and get all those figures, then remove all the bits and pieces out of or off of the cars then did them again i am 100% sure you would see a difference in the figures again.
im sure the same guys who used more fuel in the first test would again use more fuel then others in the second test but i bet overall everyone will use less in the second test
Tony's recent figures suggest otherwise. Heavier foot, more revs quicker to speed less fuel usage.

Maybe you don't need a web designer to tell you how to get better economy but when a web designer can get better than you without trying the web designer reserves the right to piss on any parade.

Of course you are better then me, and of course i have no clue how to drive as good as you. your the only one who knows how to drive properly :rofl2:
I said nothing about removing anything from the cars. It's a test to get figures on the drivers and how they drive not the cars. It could be done with any car. A driver who uses more fuel will always use more fuel, if you have a base line of the drivers you can then work out how they effect economy and use that in calculation.
Of course you are better then me, and of course i have no clue how to drive as good as you. your the only one who knows how to drive properly :rofl2:

Yeah but you are only no good at it because you wont try to better yourself.
Read what i wrote above,
yes that test will in no doubt prove what we are all saying about different drivers and their styles of driving, BUT if you add a further component to that test it will also in no doubt prove what i am saying and that is wind resistance and added weight, tyres are all going to make differences and that a driver who is a lead foot will alway s use more fuel then others but if you take out weight and wind resistance then even that driver can and will use lees fuel the he did previously
But adding or subtracting weights, resistance anything from the test is not the point no matter how well it works. Testing one thing at time gives the results. Adding weight etc comes in later tests and if the driver tests are done well enough first time the rest of the tests can be done by any driver at any time.