Another D40 timing chain

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steel d40

Mar 26, 2009
Reaction score
Perth WA
Cautionary tale as much as anything.
2007 Spanish D40 with 150k km on it & had a noisy "fanbelt" for approx 20k km which nissan dicked around with & I got used to. Turns out the noise was timing chain & $3300 later motor is quieter than I remembered new. Phoned Nissan who recommended putting an out of warranty claim in. Dealer has put claim in but reckons no chance due to mileage. My point is that had noise been sucessfully diagnosed 20k km ago I may have had a better chance. Also had a failed injector ($1500) replaced at same time. Very exxy & wished I'd had extended warranty although I wonder if diagnosis would of been made till after warranty out.
Last edited: need to do a recall on those timing sets...they know theyr'e ***** it nissan.

others here have had out of warranty claims before.
I got a MY2010 D40 St.
How do I know if I am affected by this timing set condition?
How does one tell if I have a Spanish or other type D40?
Spain VIN starts with VSK and Thai starts with something else (M maybe). Search the forums for "VIN number" or something similar it's in about 100 different threads.
From the info I've read & heard timing chain issue involves 06 to 09 spanish. Was told part installed was upgraded to avoid reoccurence. Fingers crossed.
I asked my mechanic on Wednesday about " when's the timing chain need doing" he said they don't??? I'd imagine there would be bearings in there that would need changing at some point.

What's this about making an out of warranty claim? My gearbox is rooted and the ute's only done 76 000km and is only just 4 yrs old.
Interesting to see 06 onwards mentioned. I had an R51 Pathfinder and we sold it at 200,000 km with no timing chain issues. or is 06 simply the start of D40 production? I thought I had seen R51 pathies mentioned as having issues from 05 onwards (05 was the start of production for the R51)
Had the 09 ST- L Auto Pathfinder in at Nissan for 90,000km service and reported what I believed to be timing chain noise. First time I've had them service one of my vehicles.

Nissan came back later that day and said timing chain needed to be replaced with a quote just shy of $7K as the car is 6 months out of warranty. (I only purchased the vehicle 3 months ago.)

I pointed out to them that the Pathfinder had been serviced with Nissan exclusively and surely this fault has become worse over the life of the vehicle and not only occurred in the past 6 months.

They put in a claim with Nissan head office and came back the following day saying they would cover it 100%.

So in some small way it does pay to service the vehicle with Nissan or alternatively use the money you save servicing it elsewhere to purchase the extended warranty.

This is my 3rd Nissan with the YD25 engine and probably the last.

Had the following repaired under warranty:

3 sets of side steps (Pathfinder - lifting trim)
Fuel sender unit (Pathfinder)
Head Gasket (Pathfinder - happened after cooling system flush when they didn't purge the air from the system after replacing the coolant)
Rear door struts (Pathfinder - main door and glass door)
3 sets of injectors and associated parts (each time only 1 or 2 faulty)

1 steering wheel (Navara - peeling plastic)
Airbox (Navara)
Torque converter (Navara - 80km per hour uphill shudder)
Front suspension (Navara - perished lower bushing on one side)
Factory Alloy recall (Navara)
Bonnet latch recall (Navara)

I've never had any trouble with the warranty claims but nearly every time Nissan have had the vehicle for repairs there's been a wait on parts. Head gasket took 6 weeks with no courtesy car provided.
Was informed today that timing chain job was covered 100% by the out of warranty claim. Awesome news and well done Nissan for coming through.
Does make you wonder about a recall though...
Was informed today that timing chain job was covered 100% by the out of warranty claim. Awesome news and well done Nissan for coming through.
Does make you wonder about a recall though...

good news, What dealer is doing the work??
I dont think they will do a recall unless its a safety issue otherwise they wil just keep repairing every odd one as apposed to replacing chains on 100% of them and therefor basically saying they fukced up and build bodgy ****.
Lander at Prospect. They doubted I'd have much luck with the claim but put it in anyway & HQ came through.
Agree on the recall, very frustrating though.
good news, What dealer is doing the work??
I dont think they will do a recall unless its a safety issue otherwise they wil just keep repairing every odd one as apposed to replacing chains on 100% of them and therefor basically saying they fukced up and build bodgy ****.

problem with that is, they will pick and choose which engine to repair you reckon if that engine was grenaded due to the timing set giving up you'd get the same out of warranty welcome from nissan or even under warranty for that matter....

either way...they still have a dodgy built engine.
I just dont get why they put a single row chain in..... they would of been better off to put a belt on then that ****, at least then you would know to change it every 90 - 100k or better still just put a decent chain in and never have to touch it.