well, been busy with work and haven’t had time to do anything until today.
it’s been sitting for over a week, went to start it today and it wouldn’t start, but the clear hose was letting air in, fair enough. threw on some actual fuel hose and primed and it wouldn’t start but the battery was a bit slow. got my caddy in and jumped it and she fired up. good
had the second hand primer welded shut, bought a primer bulb and new fuel hose, drove to dads and changed everything over.
had clear hose with clamps on the outlet side and still getting bubbles, little bit better but they’re still there. took it off and tried to find the leak everywhere, put thread tape around the water sensor, put another o ring in the little tap, the entries into the filter assembly are that tight i can’t even get them off to put thread tape on so i’m gonna have to leave them. still got air in the line. but i’ve got it to a point now where there are only small bubbles that sit on the top of the hose, no major bubbles that would cause an airlock, i don’t think
anyway, an hour into doing all these little changes with little result, it’s there idling while we scratch our heads, and stalls.
cranks but doesn’t start. sweet.
checked codes again, 0701, ip cam sensor.
cleared the codes, let it sit for 10mins and it started again. idled for ages with no problems.
it’s sitting on almost empty so i drove to the servo, it stalled at the lights but started straight away. stopped, put $50 in and it wouldn’t start again. let it sit for a few mins, started and drove 10 mins home. turned off, it started straight back up, tried that 3 times all good. then it stalled. started again, and let it idle for about 20 mins with no hiccups.
started driving home and it stalled after 5 mins or so. wouldn’t start again. checked and no fault codes. 10mins to cool down and started again. drove around my suburb for 20 mins and didn’t skip a beat.
so now it’s back in the garage until i have time to diagnose it again.
i’m going to buy another fuel filter, maybeeeeee i have a bad one, not confident it will fix it but never know.
also been reading and think i’ve found a way to check the can bus communication between ecm and ip module, so gotta suss that, check all the grounds (they look fine, and all tight etc) and then if the problem is still there im stuck
my biggest issues. i bypassed the filter housing, so i had solid fuel line to the boat primer bulb, then clear hose back to solid fuel line, and it was solid fuel, no bubbles whatsoever. so obviously has something to do with the filter or housing. but bubbles are tiny and don’t look like they’d cause an air lock.
secondly. 0701 has not come back up since i cleared it. so not sure if that was just computers being silly, mixed with a battery on the flat side, so it’s on charge now to eliminate that.
just can’t justify a new ip, don’t have the time to even do it myself, nor do i