Adding 2-Stroke oil to Diesel

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I'd check that the oil is "JASO FC" rated and if it is, no problem. The issue there is the amount of ash produced when the oil is burnt. FC-rated oils are low-ash, so there's little chance of it blocking up your DPF if you have one. FD-rated is even better, but about 3 times the price.

My experience: the car doesn't mind it at all. In fact, I should have thrown some into that tank of crap I bought on the main road in Wilcannia. That fuel was so crappy I couldn't get my car to stay in overdrive on a flat road, so was stuck in 4th almost all the way to Cobar.

The perception (I have no hard evidence) is that my car runs quieter and is a little more efficient when using 2-stroke. In the long run - since I am keeping a log of nearly every drop of fuel that goes into my tank - I'll be able to provide some harder figures than a perceived notion of improvement, which may be partly due to the "placebo effect", although the wife did notice that the 2-stroke made the engine quieter (without knowing what I'd done).
Ok i'm convinced that adding 2 stroke cant do any harm. Have a 2008 d40 2.5td with 52k on the clock. Added 400ml of castrol 2t today to 80 litres and will have to see what happens I suppose. I am a bit sceptical about claims of increased power and better fuel economy but only time will tell. The main reason for adding it is the improved lubrication for all the moving parts. I have read heaps of info on this and other forums here and overseas and searched the net but to be honest I can't find anything negative at this stage, the best recommendation is from people that are using this addative. Anyway only time will tell I suppose. Driving from Kalgoorlie to Ballarat in Victoria , 2800ks, in a week, so will keep an eye on economy etc and report back in due course. Anyone got any updates on how their usage is going? positive, negative or neutral??

Cheers John
I'm fairly certain now that 300ml of JASO-FC 2-stroke oil is mildy beneficial, providing me with about 1 litre per hundred kilometres reduction in fuel consumption. Over the tank, that's around 6 litres, or (@ $1.249 for instance) that's about $7.50 saved. The oil costs (4 litres @ $39.95 = just under $3 (2.996), so I'm about $4 better off per tank. At that rate I'm consuming fuel (we're just hitting 17,500km now, and we're sitting in our van in Broke as I write this) this is going to add up to a sizeable amount by the end of the year.
I con't say I've tracked my economy accurately enough over a long enough time, with constant enough running to be able to give an opinion on economy. All I know is that she runs sweet as... One of the quietest diesels I've ever had the pleasure of owning.
Ok i'm convinced that adding 2 stroke cant do any harm.

Serious claim there mate!

Added 400ml of castrol 2t today to 80 litres and will have to see what happens I suppose.

Care to share your findings

Hi Krankin, not a serious claim, just my opinion, like it or lump it. If you read my post you would see that I stated I would update results of what I found in due course whick I will do.

Cheers John

Obviously I HAVE read your post.

Your very first sentence, you make a claim, finding, statement.....

You wrote it, we're reading it.

Anyways, goodluck with it, have a safe trip over to the windiest part of VIC, and most of all enjoy the NAV Family forum, like it or lump it as you say.
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I understand that there will be strong differences of opinion on this subject, I'm just not sure why some of us need to defend our point of view so strongly?

I haven't found any exact science on what it will or won't do, and to be honest I don't really care.

Why can't we just use it if we want to use it, and not use it if we don't want to, and leave the critisism out?

Just my 2c
Hi Kankin, I will keep you posted of the outcome I assure you, good or bad, hopefully more on the good side than the bad. Yes it will be an enjoyable drive across the treeless plain, do it 3 or 4 times a year, great scenery and roads, until you hit Victoria that is. I reckon you could be driving along the Western Hwy from S.A. to Vict. with your eyes closed and know when you get to Vict, the road turns to S@#$% Regardless of what powers the D40 they are a great vehicle in my opinion and thanks for the welcome.

Cheers John
Here's my 2 bobs worth again,

Use it if you want to use it, NOWHERE have i said dont use it.

If someone is going to make a claim, then be prepared to back it up.

Purely and simply i deal with facts, and is the sole sole purpose of my questioning of Fisho and is why we have a forum.

If you want to use it and keep it a secret then dont post in a public forum,

please tell me where the critisism is in the return post to Fisho as i must have missed it.
Hi Kankin, I will keep you posted of the outcome I assure you, good or bad, hopefully more on the good side than the bad. Yes it will be an enjoyable drive across the treeless plain, do it 3 or 4 times a year, great scenery and roads, until you hit Victoria that is. I reckon you could be driving along the Western Hwy from S.A. to Vict. with your eyes closed and know when you get to Vict, the road turns to S@#$% Regardless of what powers the D40 they are a great vehicle in my opinion and thanks for the welcome.

Cheers John


it not the best side of VIC, i think its because it on the side closest to

but at least your in a Nav.:big_smile:
These are my observations - and there is no science in it - just what I 'reckon'!

I have been adding Castrol 2T for about 3 months now and have found no bad side effects - apart from the mess I make when pouring from the big container into the smaller bottle I carry in the ute! . Had the 100k service at end of January - all running well and given a clean bill of health. Motor feels strong and performs to what I expect.
I noticed a quieter engine and an increase in km's per tank of about 60 - 80km (without keeping accurate records). As we all know, fuel quality and driving style can vary the economy, and I don't consistently go to the same servo, and some tanks have been to and from work, while others have had longer highway km's - and a bit of off-road work thrown in for fun.
I am going to run the next two tanks on straight diesel and then add a fuel additive (injector cleaner) and see what that does. Any suugestions for what brand additive to use?

Speaking of SA - heading to Adelaide at the end of April via the coast.
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FISHALOT: Your are on the money with those road conditions, doesn't matter which way you come into this bloody state you know you're here within about 20ks of any border.

Will be interested to see your progress with such a trip, I'm not an adding oil convert and very much doubt I ever will be (I hope I'm not defending my thoughts too strongly) and I completed the trip Gippsland to Perth, Perth to Gippsland over Chrissie, it's the first time in the Nav (but I'm not a Nullarbor virgin) and was quite suprised by the Nav performance.

It would be difficult to compare my economy figures to yours given that there could easily be 1000 varying factors that could come into the game but none the less I'll still be interested to see what you get, and if you can directly contribute anything extra to adding the oil.

We had howling winds and extreme temps east to west and not quite as bad winds and cooler temps west to east but I still averaged low to mid 10's over the 8000ish kilometre trip. Since getting home I'm still averaging 10's most of the time with as high as 13's running around the farm up near Boolara for the last 3 weeks, so I'm not complaining about economy anyway.
I believe his only claim was "I'm convinced it won't do any harm"

He doesn't have to back it up, its just his opinion.

He is stating "can't" cannot, willnot do any harm..
means if putting victa oil in your diesel it CANNOT, WILL NOT harm your engine.

is that an opinion or a fact,
I,m not adding things here just reading what someone posted.

Anyway Fisho and I have no argument, whats your problem.
As soon as Fisho says "I'm convinced" it becomes his opinion, not fact.

I will type another quote:

"I,m not trying to end this thread in anyway and i hope that anyone will put their 2bobs worth in, as thats why we have this forum going.
we are here to try and educate each other."

It would be a shame to close a very informative thread but I will if I have to. You've been quite notably negative to the whole thread and that's fine, just keep it civil please.
As soon as Fisho says "I'm convinced" it becomes his opinion, not fact.

I will type another quote:

"I,m not trying to end this thread in anyway and i hope that anyone will put their 2bobs worth in, as thats why we have this forum going.
we are here to try and educate each other."

It would be a shame to close a very informative thread but I will if I have to. You've been quite notably negative to the whole thread and that's fine, just keep it civil please.

Yes negative to the oil in diesel, as no one has proof that its beneficial,
but not negative to the thread. Show me otherwise.

Convinced i would think means you've proven, tested, used it, happy, it works,etc etc, to yourself, then it becomes a factual finding to your experiment.

And thankyou I've been CIVIL,
as I said before Fisho and I don't have any argument,
some should wait a bit before posting.

:big_smile:Have a nice day.
Fair enough mate, The negative aspect has been beaten to death now so I guess we can move on and wait for peoples opinions on what they think of it, there's no use us commenting on it if we haven't tried it.
Hi folks, personally I find the beauty of this forum and others is that they are places where people can voice there opinions/ experiences/ideas with many different topics covered. I personally have found some great information regarding my impending purchase of new tyres and a 2" suspension lift. While X may not agree with Y on a certain subject, X and Y are still intitled to their views/opinion. This forum provides a place where the pros and cons can be discussed and views aired in a civil but sometimes spirited manner and people can decide what they wish to do.

As for the 2 stroke in diesel issue, I believe I have done my home work and decided to give it a go, time and distance wiil tell if I have made the right decision, my decision. Some may agree and some may not but they are entitled to their opinion, democracy at work.

KraftyPg, you are spot on with your post re crossing Nullabor, from Noresman to Ceduna everything is a ripoff, fuel/food/drink but they know they have most people by the B@#$% and they have to use them.

Cheers John
P.S. Off topic but happy easter to everyone and safe travels, on numerous occassions I have seen first hand the devistating effect road fatalities have so please take care on the roads.

Cheers John

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