Pending the time off..i think im in.
Pending the time off..i think im in.
This is the first time I've heard about this!! It's genius! I wish I knew sooner so book time off
Its going to involve 2 free saturdays i believe as im currently 4 days into next years allotment.....very flexible family business too.not much to do that time of the year which will help my begging
Are you going to go to the muster via Jenolan and over the Blue Mountains?
No idea yet mate, was going to worry about that closer to the date but the harder the better. Will spend most of Thursday getting there I think.
I may have another mate coming as well. Just bought a massively modded 03 D22.
Yeah mate got it in the car will have it filled out Tuesday and ill email it off. So another one in with his 03 D22 7" lift and 33"Mickeys.