X- Ray 220mm. Anyone using these ?

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Na a new set of spotties I just seen.

The reflector is the same as the Hella Rally 4000's apparently.

Krafty being in the trucking game might have used them.

So no one is using them ?

They look pretty good quality, Truckline has them cheaper then anywhere else.

Plus you can get a kit from the manufacture to convert them to HID.

I have the 200mm version in halogen - pencil and spread. Very happy. The primary weakness is the mount which is a pain to adjust...but once set up is good.

The lights through a nice wide wash of light. Mine don't shine as far as say the lightforce units, but arguably the wider focus is of more use for most ppl.

The x-ray HID kits atm are 35w...which is pretty average. They are about to launch a 55w version. They will be interesting. Retro-fitable and your can buy spare parts should your luck run out!
Nah Dave I haven't used them I've used Hellas and they used to make a good light, 15 years ago we wouldn't put anything but Hellas on or utes and cars. I haven't ever bothered with HID so I don't know how Hella's perform with HID either.
Cheers for the feedback, the 55w kit might be worth waiting for.

Krafty, how come you say Hella USE to make a good light ?

Give someplace like Queensland Diesel Spares or the similar type of shop a call and ask what truckies are buying. I noted that QDS sells britax, lightforce and hella, pretty sure i saw Narva stocked there too. Those guys know what are lasting and what are junk because it comes back to them quick if they aren't up to the job. I've got Britax worklights and they are solid as.
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Cheers Wozza, I was thinking along those lines.

I do alot of rural driving at night and wanna spot kangeroos and wombats.

Have almost hit a horse or 2 before so you can see why I want good, Lightforce are overated so I am not going there.

I suppose they still do make a good light Dave, we just moved to Narvas because out sparky gave us a better deal on them. We were picking up 175s for $70 a pair (before the HID fad was popular) fitted. With all the roos and birds we used to hit in the trucks it was nothing for us to be getting them replaced monthly so price was a consideration and Narva's worked as well as the Hella's
I believe that, I was out near Wolimbi last night on the Paynes crossing road and almost hit about 4 kangeroos and seen a few wombats.

I remember talking a truckie about a year ago who flagged me down after he hit a roo, the roo took out both headlights but one still had the reflector.

Roo went under the truck and tore a airline off one of the trailer brakes.

Anyway after a chat old mate told me the trucks nickname is wombat.

So he drove all the way from cessnock to Windsor with pretty much just spotlights.

Owls are one of the worst things to hit. Roos are annoying because they will bend anything even steel bars but owls hit with such a loud bang that it's like having a shot gun go off in the cabin. Mobile speed humps (wombats) are dangerous because they can make you airbourne but thankfully they aren't as suicidal and roos and other birds.

Cows also aren't a good thing to hit at 90ks but the one thing you learn fairly quickly no matter what the animal is, is to go against reflex and never try and avoid the hit. Drive straight at it and let the bar take the hit and hopefully get the thing our of the way and off the road, if you swerve to miss it you run a greater risk of doing yourself or your vehicle damage. It's not so bad in a small car you might have a chance to regain control if you swerve but with 42 tonnes on the back forget it.

Mate of mine was coming out of the quarry with his g/f in the passenger seat of the tipper and dog a few years back and koala was in the middle of the dirt road, thinking about the missus he decides to aim center and go straight over the top without hitting it. Stupid bloody thing lifted it's head at the last minute and he clobbered it with the diff and bounced it up into the air lines of the dog. His missus went off her bloody rocker about deliberately hitting the thing, took him a while to live that one down but he still wishes he hadn't deviated his path.
I just get on the brakes with Roos, stuff swerving those mountainous areas.

I have come close to hitting a few horses but thank God not yet.

Cant say I have hit a owl or any bird but me and my brother were driving one night when a bat hit the windscreen of his Patrol ut he use to have. We were like wtf was that, stopped and a little bat was on the bonnet.

hey dave,
just having a geezer at the xray pdf there. looks pretty cool any idea on water resistance. want to know if it'll stand up to the river crossings in the NT. i think it was old tony that said in one of my first posts that ipf were the only one making a good water tight unit.

also for anyone else watching this thread - and this is a long shot - i'm getting and xrox bar and want to know how this is going to look/fit.

Not sure mate, my old smaller Narvas did a few water crossing as in water at bonnet level and I never had a drama.

Once they release the 55W HID conversion kit for them I am gonna buy em.

yeah let me know how they go. i know it doesn't mean bugger all in the bush but i like the look of those coloured surrounds.
I saw a woman hit a horse one night down near Phillip Island, neither really won but by geez it made a mess of the Commodore.

I hit a bird in the Nav the other day, stupid thing glanced of the right hand headlight, didn't do any damage except spread some bird shit but there was feathers everywhere. Hits like that I can live with but you never know whats around the next corner around here and that's the main reason I sit on about 90 in daylight areas and drop to about 70 in the dark.

White posts are pretty annoying when they jump out in front you too. I was minding my own business heading down the South Gippy highway one night and having a wee little nap while the truck drove itself at about 105 and this stupid bloody white post jumped straight out in front of me and not just woke me up but maybe me veer onto the shoulder. Left a white streak all the way down the right hand side of the cab and the pan, that was the first time I failed in giving up smoking, after two weeks of no smokes and doing that I drove wide awake for the next 10 mins pulled into a 24 hour servo and brought a packet of smokes and smoked 3 of them before I got back in the truck.
hey krafty i had an eagle dive bomb my trol in NW Aus. bounced straight off the bonnet and nearly came through the windscreen. now that was a bloody mess. dogs loved it tho :big_smile:
Yeah last time I quit smoking I lasted a few weeks and then I hit another roo.

Cant say I have ever had a micro sleep though, touch wood.

Did you use to do the night shift ?

Haven't hit one of those yet, we've got about 12 wedgies that circle one of the farm so it might happen but it's not something I'd look forward too.

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