What heater do you use?

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What keeps you warm?

  • Wood

    Votes: 20 50.0%
  • Gas

    Votes: 11 27.5%
  • Electric

    Votes: 5 12.5%
  • Reverse cycle

    Votes: 12 30.0%
  • Oil

    Votes: 1 2.5%

  • Total voters
Had a 60's housing commissiion spec gas space heater in my last house - it cranked! Just turn in on and bask in the glow, would heat the main rooms like a boss.
Got a canara at my new place, it sux arse next to the space heater, same thing except more work, alot of mess and less heat :(
reverse cycle ducted for us. we have got an old ng heater in the loungeroom that should be replaced some time next year (wa is changing its ng mixture apparently so they are upgrading peoples heaters and stoves if they are built before a certain year). the ducted a/c definitely helps with having a 2 and a half year old and a 5 month old.. we have to turn it off at night though because it gets too hot to sleep even with it set at 21c, lol
Got the Jindara wood heater roaring at the moment. Great excuse to disappear for an arvo with the chainsaw, ute and trailer.
Open fire most nights but use the gas wall heater when home late or feeling lazy and the little oil heater in the kids room.
Wood slow combustion was our main heater, but the last couple of years we have been using a LPG heater. Sadly not the same, especially on very cold nights like tonight.

We have electric column heaters for the bedrooms if needed. Currently looking into if I can get an off peak circuit to power them.
I cannot believe you farkers!

I cannot believe you farkers! Cutting down trees and burning the basterds just to keep you farkers warm! What is this farking world coming to?

Next are the farkers that use LPG or natural gas to keep themselves farking warm and finally the farkers that use the old kero heaters.

My family use reverse cycle heaters these farkers are great, they help keep farkers in jobs at the local power stations, use **** loads of brown/black coal ware not (prejudice) to these farkers going.

Also help create extremely large farking holes in the ground for future 4 x 4 explorationary tracks or dams!


Wood heaters are great and good for our primeval instincts nothing like it in a way. Some people think using electrical power for heating s just shifting the exhaust pipe to the coal powered power station. Thing is the coal fired power station exhaust pipe (as dirty as it is) is running heaps cleaner than your wood heater.
Keep the wood for the camp fire I reckon.
If your wood is dry enough and heater hot enough there is fark all (to use an RLIism) smoke. Plus the cost of electric heating is unbelievable and getting worse. Plus no gas where I live.
My Mitsubishi Heavy Industries air con keeps me warm and cool when needed.

The Rudd stimulus package paid for it.

Uses **** all power to.