Vibration at idle R51 pathfinder

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Feb 13, 2018
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Hello, wondering if anyone has had this, I read it somewhere else bit no result. My 2012 has started getting a vibration, sounds like around engine, it does it when say stopped at lights, but moving into neutral makes it disappear, or even bringing revs up makes it stop...I think .
Anyone had such thing?
Could be a number of things, from broken harmonic balancer shafts to a broken spring in the dual mass flywheel, bad bearings in the alternator or a loose pulley on it, cracked blade on radiator fan - it needs some more investigation.

1) Does it happen if you're stopped and you keep the handbrake on and push the clutch in and put it in first gear? Does that make it happen or does that stop it?

2) Can you see the back of the radiator - are there any marks that look like the fan's been getting too friendly with it?

3) Idle the engine and look at the radiator pulley. Is it steady in its rotation or is it wobbling and shaking?
Hello, it's Automatic, only when in D at idle , not reverse or neutral, no play in pulleys , idler, tensioner and Alt over run pulley are recently replaced. Slight revs stop the noise as well, it's got me scratching my head.
I noticed it while away on camping trip, it's driven 10 hrs home at 110klmh and not got worse.
I read these do the odd engine mount, have you experienced this?
My engine mounts haven't given me any grief but I've heard of it happening once before so it's possible - just not a common thing. Odd that it doesn't happen in reverse though - there's little difference between D and R as far as the engine goes. Even the torque converter rotates the same way so if the engine or even the TC clutch was causing trouble you'd think it would happen in reverse as well.

I can't confirm this one (hopefully someone else might know) - does the EGR operate when in neutral (unlikely) or reverse (possibly not) ? I wonder if there's a slight issue with the EGR causing it to make the engine choke up a little at idle - it's not supposed to do any EGR at idle. Test the whole theory by blocking the EGR at the intake side and trying the idle in gear again.