Maybe an adult cheetah that hasn't eaten for a week and a slab of Red Bull and see if it really does give you wings.
Kids today lol... I ain't hit 30 yet but I was more respectful when I was in my teens and if I was on public transport I didn't sit/stand in the middle of the aisle carrying on like a two-bob watch at the top of my lungs or wrestling with another said ******** so everyone else couldn't a) get through and b) sit in peace
without having to have their ears bleed from the volume of their music to drown out the bastards
*deep breath* *big swig of froffy* *count in head 3... 2... 1* *purple face turning back to red now back to normal* *and breathe*
Rant fkn over lol
Hey I totally agree with ya, and I'm not 30 yet either.
I was on a train the other day and some old people got on and these kids didn't get up to let them sit down, made me so mad. The younger generation is definitely not the same as when I was growing up