Got any ink Gordy?
Not yet. I'm too indecisive to get anything tattooed on me lol
Got any ink Gordy?
Winning! I found 2 blocks of chocolate in the freezer earlier lol
Shut up you two, felt like something sweet before, nope out of luck, 20 km to the nearest shop says I lucked out tonight
Not a bad find at all.
Safe to say I have actually accomplished absolutely nothing today
Shut up you two, felt like something sweet before, nope out of luck, 20 km to the nearest shop says I lucked out tonight
just writing out tickets and your name popped up
I gave you purple tickets cause they are the winners....who is your prox?
I found a large piece of chocolate cheesecake in the fridge and quickly ate it before the mrs and kids saw so I didn't have to share lol
Ok I'm bored, where are all my dribble buddies today??
Can't even work on the nav coz my lightbar and rear step aren't here yet waaaaaahh
I have been out collecting camping supplies
now to get some ice on those supplies
and start packing
Working and drawing dicks on ****