The block

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Apr 30, 2010
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Who watches the TV show "the block"?
I do and i like the show,....but....the two sisters Amy and Katrina do my farkn head in...over and over again..
they bloody whine about everything thats asked of them to do..
everything is too hard or they havent got the skill to do it or just plain cant be bothered to do it.
they only ever sweep the floor or attempt to paint,but their painting skill is so **** its going to have to be repainted by a pro.
everything gets done by a tradie and then they farkn whinge about the cost even though thay were given a super deal.
the show is about RENOVATING a house,not about geting someone else to it for you..they spend 90% of the time shopping,even when they have NO MONEY.
Fark they make me wana scream,pull my freakn hair out,headbut the bloody wall,etc
stuffed if i know how they EVER got selected to go the show,they are PATHETIC...
I HOPE THEY SEE THIS RANT,COS THEY BLOODY **** ME... as if you couldnt tell that by now.
i could go on for ever about these two morons,but i wont...
what do you think about them?
What about Jenna. Josh is a bit of a smart-arse, especially when it comes to Keith, but Jenna is the biggest spoilt bitch going - never heard the word 'no' before.
i have to agree, they shed some tears and everyone come running!!

and seeing as this is a navara forum every one seen the black d22 out front a few times??

i have to agree, they shed some tears and everyone come running!!

and seeing as this is a navara forum every one seen the black d22 out front a few times??


Thats Shirans, Polly and Woz's builder! I'm a tiler and was meant to have done their tiling but was to busy at the time!
Personally i think the Labourer's should be judged each week and award them the $$, stuff me if i can tell what these ppl have actually done. OK Rod and Tanya maybe, but the rest of them? and those 2 sisters cant even project manage a few blokes installing everything for them!! and all they do at the sign of trouble is cry and say we need a man blah blah blah, then turn around the next minute and act all high and mighty like they don't any help. i mean what a crap season. i much preferred the other 2 seasons, at least the contestants actually did some work and made an improvement. This one just plain sux
I like the show, but feet the same about the sisters, all they do is go shopping and one of there family's is there every week or they have gone off to have tea with there husband and kids or some crap.
I hate the shows, just gives my missus ideas for me to do around our place when I should be out fishing.
when they did the first elimination show,the sisters couldnt even screw a screw into plaster to hang a picture yet they get selected to reno ahouse....WTF...fairdinkum the producers must have done this deliberately to piss us men off..
yeah and jenna is a bitch but its all brought on by cockhead josh.
i wish Keith just laid him out,,,that would be gold...
anyone watch it last night, how dirty was one of the sisters when there house didnt sell!!!!
but really well done to polly and wazz for winning they or rod and tanya deserved to will i reckon!!

I watched it angst Yeh grats to Polly and waz. Have to me my favs for this season. As you said one of the sisters got cut up and it was funny to watch she didn't even wanna be near her partner Hehe. I was hoping rod and tanya sold but they didn't Wat a shame.

Also did you notice how catty that Indian lady was that was bidding in the front seat. Giving that dude the dirty when he out bid her Ahahah.
Haha, she was funny. Everyone was bidding 10,000 so she would throw in 1,000 and get blown out of the water then death stare everyone. HAHAHAHA.
Polly n Wazz, Nice couple, well done. Rod n Tanya worked hard n deserved it.
Oh well spose I should at least sweep my floor or somthn now I'm all enthooozed.

God, Josh N Jenna. Mawwwwwidge??????
How long do ya give em?
Who would of thought that having a real estate auction show in the middle of a housing market slump just after a GFC with interest rate uncertainty and a pending tax, would have meant low profits or pass ins?

I must admit it gave me a little pleasure to watch Josh and Jenna get passed in and Amy's reaction was gold, "what a waste of time"... Whos time? You didn't lift a finger, your tradies did your whole house minus the **** paint job on the outside..

Rod and Tania deserved to sell, he did most of it himself, which was the whole point i thought. But i'm glad the rookie took it out even if only by default.

Who was the bloke in the pink suit with the 16 years old mrs? At the starts they talked it up saying they would bid 850k to 1.1m on 2 houses. He never even raised his paddle. Just wanted to get his mug on the tele.

Angry Indian was my favourite bidder.
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The award for best effort goes to the women on the Today show this morning who walked right in front of the contestants while they were being interviewed out the front of the houses. Didn't seem to give a damn she was walking through shot or that her weird look was caught on camera, it was after 8 so I guess she could have been late for work.
x2 rustynav09 and i said in the start of this thread those sisters **** me no end. as one of them said"lets get out of here" showed what ******* they are,didnt want to hang around to finish taping the show,its was all about them...the blondes husband lookes like he wears the dress in the house and does everything for her and thats what they hoped for in the show...the producers would like to have their time again at the begining and give them the ass big time...i have a message for them(sisters)....PISS OFF AND NEVER SHOW YOUR FACE ON TV AGAIN !!!!!!!
Josh and jenna were always nagging during the show. Yes they had **** attitudes but congrats on the engagement and they will go the distance in there marriage. Behind the seens they don't argue as much and are happy. Just the intense of being on Tele trying to pull off finishing a house in so little time. The sisters = annoying it was all bout fame glamour etc. Rod tanya deserved to sell but again was unfortunate. Rod did a mad job and actually attempted everything.

I have to say how good did Polly look in that black dress that she was wearing at the last thing they had to decide auction order. She was mint.
