Tax Tax Tax Tax. Damn I mean't to spell Labor.

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Dave; It doesn't matter who is in power, they are going to screw you over. Remember "income tax" is just a temporary measure during this time of austerity"

I just sweat about the things that I need to worry about.

Seriously, are you ever going to earn that much money?
I never got anywhere near it and I did some long hours in IT for years.

OTOH, I bet you would have to search long and hard for anyone who actually earns that amount of money for" working hard". It is more likely "windfall" easy come/easy go money.

The only poor bastard is the one who can not find a good accountant. and it is a stupid poor bastard that doesn't follow Kezza advice to pay the minimum tax he can.

In this country, if you are pulling in that sort of money, you can buy any investment property after investment property on a loan and pay the interest before you start buying tax.

At one stage, for each $100 you invested in a movie, you could claim $150 off your taxable and then you still had a chance to make money off the movie.

There are and always have been others.

Liberal/Labour, same coin, different sides.

However the Liberals are more likely to reward you for working hard.

This bullshit Labor Robin Hood way of doing things is making you question whether is worth doing those 2 hours overtime unless you fall into the higher tax bracket.

If your more productive, why should you not be rewarded for it.

AWA's rewarded those who are willing to work hard.

Those who lost there jobs, they were usually the lazy pricks who should of been fired long ago.
Awe come on Dave that's a stretch even for you!

Libs might be happy to reward someone for working hard but they are all about making it easier to sack people before they get those rewards. Atleast Labour make sure no one has jobs in the first place thus avoiding future disappointment.

And AWA's don't just reward the hard workers.
Anyone here know anyone who has been sacked on a AWA ?

Everyone I work with on AWA's doubled what they were making. I kid you not.
Actually Dave that's a fair question, because as far as I am aware nobody was worse for it on an AWA.
FWIW I am all for paying the hard worker what they're worth, I just can't see why the hard and honest workers have to continually subsidise the lazy ones. (Wealthfare excluded) No one can give me a good answer. I'm a believer in equal pay for equal work if that were that actually the case, not equal pay because its the se job.

Cheers Brad
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^ Ill second that. I have had many conversations with Nath about that.

Gillard has put on 26,000 extra people since she has been in power I hear. That could include people that Rudd has hired to.

I dont get it, if you cant handle the job without all these extra people. You shouldn't be there.

Its not nice what Campbell Neumann is doing and O'Farrell is doing. But they're getting rid of people who do SFA all day.

If some desk jockey gets layed off because he has nothing to do all day, so be it.

Id rather see another nurse or cop put on.

The only thing is dislike about O'Farrell, selling off the power stations is a stupid move.

Now he is calling for a lift in the GST to make money, if these politicians hadn't sold everything off already. They would have plenty of cash to play with.
Adding 2000 people to positions that may not be really be needed is not really a great deal different to mining companies like Fortescue etc who put huge numbers of people on because of their perceived mining boom and now as the boom begins to dwindle they have to sack a bucket load of them.

Sure the first thing everyone wants to blame is government taxes and government rules for them downsizing but how much blame should lay with those hiring and firing numbers purely to make a bottom line for the short term. Same deal goes for the Desal plant in Vic. Everyone knew that the majority of the jobs were contract and only there for the construction, now it's nearly finished the media and current government who can pass the ball to the previous government are up in arms about job loses.

It's time the pricks at the top started working for their business and not for their bonuses. It's time they stopped working for share holders and worked for the long term interest of the businesses. Making a million dollars profit this year means bugger all if next years profit can only be made by sacking the work force. The most annoying thing is that today's CEO only needs to show a small profit to be deemed the messiah and so few of them have long term goals to continue making profit past their tenure where they move on to another large company sack a shitload of people claim a profit and reinstate their messiah status.
I bet there is a lot of contractors out there who have been earning more than $2K a week who disagree about how wasteful it was.

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