Tomorrow arvo, have the beer and snags ready.
This is from the website
No!! not until i actually have the thing delivered, but if your in the neighbourhood i will have the beer ready and you can take a frozen snag with ya.
I've only ever done those sorts of trips in the trucks so it's always been highway all the way so I wouldn't know. Truth be known even after updating the muster website I still couldn't tell you even which town the muster is going to be at. Starts with T but that all I remember.
Hey its one thing to insult me but insulting my clients with comments suggesting they live in a lavatory is a bit rich, you don't even know them.
What do you mean by mode?
I'm sure I can find one client who you've insulted who would consider those fingers are a comfortable apology when he sits down, now what about the other ones you offended?
Got one of these yesterday , interesting lil gadget , still learning how to use the thing , seems to do everything , but here's an interesting question , why not incorporate a bloody turbo timer into the thing ?