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i find mine only happens rarely. certain times on the highway mainly. it sounds almost like an air leak, maybe from a vacum or something haven't had a good look yet. gonna check those 12mm jobbies though.
The rattle in my accelerator pedal assembly returned again...

I removed the nuts one by one, added some loctite and reinstalled the nuts. The problem appears to have been resolved for the time being. Fingers crossed...

The most obvious other rattle/noise I get in my ute is the rear left hand side seatbelt rattling against the pillar plastic.
I have a rattle that happens under light load at around 2000rpm, I believe it is something to do with the exhaust, however I took it back to nissan and they "said" they tightened up all exhaust bolts, but rattle still exists. I firmly believe there is either a crack in an exhaust gasket somewhere, a lose bolt, or even a crack in the piping or cat.
it also has developed a rather annoying squeek in the rear leaves. Once again nissan "told" me they pulled it all apart and replaced the culprit split rubbers, but still does it just as bad.
Do you guys think they are full of **** and didn't even touch my car, or may the problems lie elsewhere?
mines got the same annoying rattle, its a very erratic tinkle noise. ive checked for boost leaks and checked heat shields. checked for loose wiring also but cant come up with anything. took it to nissan but sure as **** they told me they couldnt make it do it.

sounds likt a speedo cable dropped off and ticking away againgst the back of the instrument cluster, obviouslt its impossible to stick my head under the dash while driving, ive asked the missus to do it but she thinks ive got an alterior motive, shes probably right!

ill be checkin those accelerator nuts first thing in the mornin, worth a try 4 sure, hopin like all hell its not a flywheel issue!
mine had an annoying rattle for a while, traced it to the fishing rod behind the headrests of the rear seats knocking on the window!
i find mine only happens rarely. certain times on the highway mainly. it sounds almost like an air leak, maybe from a vacum or something haven't had a good look yet. gonna check those 12mm jobbies though.

If it's the same "air sucking" type noise that I have - you are hearing the induction through you snorkel...bit loud and annoying but hey I reckon its better than sucking water in through the airbox on a creek crossing. If it ain't this sound...then bugger if'n I know :)
mines got the same annoying rattle, its a very erratic tinkle noise. ive checked for boost leaks and checked heat shields. checked for loose wiring also but cant come up with anything. took it to nissan but sure as **** they told me they couldnt make it do it.

sounds likt a speedo cable dropped off and ticking away againgst the back of the instrument cluster, obviouslt its impossible to stick my head under the dash while driving, ive asked the missus to do it but she thinks ive got an alterior motive, shes probably right!

ill be checkin those accelerator nuts first thing in the mornin, worth a try 4 sure, hopin like all hell its not a flywheel issue!

It should be electronic and no speedo cable. Although it still doesnt hurt to send your misses down there.
sounds likt a speedo cable dropped off and ticking away againgst the back of the instrument cluster, obviouslt its impossible to stick my head under the dash while driving, ive asked the missus to do it but she thinks ive got an alterior motive, shes probably right!QUOTE]

I think I have the same issues.... and I mean that of the Mrs not doing what she's told, not the rattle! Haha!
It could just be a loose wire that's rattling with the engine. The accelerator is electronic as well, the brake won't rattle lightly ... maybe it's the radio antenna cable?
The flywheel will make a ticking noise much like a speedo cable i have had mine replaced and the noise came back again 10000kms later
I know it's probably pointing out the obvious, but ...

the speedo cable's ticking sound will increase in frequency with the speed of the car. If you hear a ticking sound that is exactly related to vehicle speed, it's going to be the gearbox, transfer case, drive shafts, differentials, axles, cv joints, wheel bearings, brakes or wheels (even loose wheel nuts or stuff caught in tyres). It may also be road surface related, disappearing on different road surfaces. That points to suspension or loose parts (panels, cables, bolts etc).

If it's directly related to engine speed - which means, changing up a gear and the frequency drops - it's going to be gearbox (input side), clutch/flywheel or torque converter or engine.

In the engine, it could be bearings, valves, injectors, belts, alternator, water pump, power steering pump.

It might seem obvious to you but there may be readers out there that this helps with, and sometimes even a basic diagnostic like this is all that's needed to help pinpoint a problem.
thanks tony, it really only happens between 2000 & 3000 rpm but only under load, like, if you are only gentley increasing in speed it wont do it but if you are sticking the boot in itll happen. shift up a gear and itll stop, untill you get back in that rev range then its on again. seems to be happening alot more frequently latley.
all ive done is run a 4mm single core wire into the cab for the shu-roo switch which comes thru the main wiring boot and is quite well secured.
due to the problem seeming to be torque related i am personally leaning towards clutch but i really cant see how as it hasnt been abused or used for heavy towing and the symptoms seem to be quite erratic and intermittant to be something so isolated.
booking it in tomorrow, hopefully theyll prioritise it and ill let yas know.
Is anyone else experiencing these noises in their D40's??? Mine's an auto V6

- there is a "click...click...click" sound coming from the front end. It happens intermittently, and only under light-moderate braking at low speeds. The repitition of the noise is relative to vehicle speed, and can be felt only very subtly through the brake pedal. I have recently had the discs machined and new (non genuine) pads put in (by nissan dealer), and the noise has begun after that.
- My rear suspension is squeeky as hell
- There is a vibration + noise coming from the exhaust under light/medium loads, especially when the engine is cold at around 1200-2000 RPM. I think it is either a crack in the exhaust or a cracked/leaking gasket somewhere around the cat converter. (V6 model)

If anyone has experienced these same issues it would be good to hear from you, and if you have resolved them would be great to know what it was and how you fixed it. I am of the opinion that these are warranty issues (rear sus. and exhaust have already been checked by nissan - they apparently fixed it - but they have not)
the clicking noise under brakes would probably be caused by the old wear indicators being reused and not cleaned properly thus not allowing the dsc pads to seat properly into the caliper as most aftermatket pad sets don't contain new wear indicators (tin spring plates that rub on rotor to emit a squealing noise when pads are low).

another highly likely possibility would be bild up of brake dust on the inner face of your front rims where they mate to the hubs. as you'd know genuine nissan pads are stupidly dusty, anyway, this dust builds up inside the wheel heaps more than you see outside and when they have taken your wheels off to carry out repair there may have been a build up of brake dust between the hub and rim upon refittment. i see this alot in trucks with alloy steer wheels but quite uncommon in cars but taking into account the brake dust factor and the size of your wheels this'd be what i'd check first. just take ya wheels off and scrub all mating surfaces with a wire brush, be carefull not to scratch ya wheels.

i think your suspension squeak may have something to do with the lack of sidewall flex your tyres would have as the rigidity of the factory suspension is set up for the tyres actually having a sidewall that can move. just a thought but it maybe one of the angles nissan will take to avoid any warranty consideration.

a bit vague about your vibration / noise problem, can you explain the noise and what does the vibration feel and sound like and where is it noticed most, eg, steering, cabin, engine?

sorry about all this typing, beleive me it's hurting me more than you, good old one finger special! just tryin to help.

cheers, phil.
I agree about the rear suspension as we have 2 more identical navaras, with standard wheels, that have not developed noisy leaves. I might put the standard wheels back on before i take it back to Nissan and start shooting my mouth off.
Your explanation of the brake noise sounds quite plausible, I will suggest that to them.
And the exhaust noise, to me, sounds rather like a minor exhaust leak or perhaps a loose fixing or heat shield. it's coming from the passenger side around the catalytic converter area. The problem pretty much goes away once the engine has heated up, which is why i think it might be a minor exhaust leak (exhaust heats up and expends, thus sealing the leak).

Thanks for your help Phil, I can't even begin to imagine how long that took you to type using one finger bandit style!
D40 Rattle/Vibration

Mine rattles under load too, I think mine sounds like a heat shield rattling, but I'll check the acclerator pedal,

Hi All,

I have a standard D40 and I too have the rattle that seems to be in the engine bay and sounds like a heat shield or something. It sounds like a really tinny vibration and comes on at about 1800rpm and disappears at about 2200. I had the Nav from new and it started at about 15,000kms. I've taken it back to Nissan a number of time and they have never been able to find it. I've taken the service manager for a drive and he acknowledged that there is a noise, but still no joy 60,000kms further on. I've just learned o live with it.

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