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I'd hope the dolly wouldn't weigh 300kg, I'd hope for something more in the range of 150kg but I see your point and it's very valid. They're certainly not for everybody but with carrying large, awkward heavy items (ie square bailers), it's sometimes impossible to get the a safe ballweight and often desirable to load, unload and manoeuvre when not hitched up.

Dead weight efficiency is very important with caravans, long distances, corrugations, variable road quality, fuel efficiency, safety etc.... These considerations are less important with utility trailers as chances are no matter what the envelope has already been pushed, pushed again, then just ripped wide open and thrown in the bin.

Reversing is another to add to the list of things that licensing should cover. It beggars belief how easy it is to get a car licence. The testing should cover every situation a car driver could reasonably be expected to encounter in a lifetime behind the wheel. 110km/h, difficult high speed merging, reversing a short-drawbar trailer, towing a max-weight nice long tandem trailer and then high-speed merge, high speed wet skidpan lose and regain control, dry loose gravel skidpan lose and regain control, long, tight-radius twisty sections of shoulder-less steep roads, repeat at night, repeat in a FWD and RWD vehicle to understand the difference, pass every section to pass the test, and watch the road toll drop.

But then again we all know the huge dangers of three point turns and reverse parallel parking on a lazy Sunday.

Hahaha. Yeah. Same for the eastern seaboard at least, it's the same in QLD. I've towed a trailer like that and used up much of the road to make sharp turns, everybody else can hurry up and wait.
We don't need those stickers on our trailer according to VR but given the length makes it more than 7.5m on any car we are allowed to follow the ruling of using other lanes where needed, the problem I see is that the signs are on the back and it's the idiots that don't allow room when your turning into streets where they only see the front of the vehicle that are the problem.

I agree with the loading issue too Dion, there are times when loading a bulky item means the weight is not evenly distributed. We had the issue trying to get our large sprayer unit home to remodel, the height meant the center of gravity was to high and the frame meant the weight wasn't evenly distributed on the trailer, having a front dolly would have been a lot easier, unpractical for many other applications but desirable for a few.
Having a license or endorsement to tow a trailer would make sense, Ever notice how people seem ignorant of the fact their trailer or van is wider than their vehicle,And happily drive along not even seeming to notice their trailer/van over the white line. As Dion commented there should be more to getting a license, People dont care or realise that just because the truck is going slow up the hill doesnt mean it will go down the hill slow. I have had plenty of morons over take me as i start going down a hill trying to get some speed up and they wonder why their getting stranded on the wrong side of the road.
typical day for me helping people in need, who can't start their car due to faulty immobilisers... ahh I'm a good Samaritan 
had a meeting with yellow pages ( sensis ) for next years advertising, thieving buggers, there goes another $20k for the year. 
got me next job in, a full DVD GPS entertainment / reverse camera to be installed into brand new Canter.
off to Dinner tonight, Eldest daughters Bday to day, 14 woohoo !
enjoy all.
Having a license or endorsement to tow a trailer would make sense, Ever notice how people seem ignorant of the fact their trailer or van is wider than their vehicle,And happily drive along not even seeming to notice their trailer/van over the white line. As Dion commented there should be more to getting a license, People dont care or realise that just because the truck is going slow up the hill doesnt mean it will go down the hill slow. I have had plenty of morons over take me as i start going down a hill trying to get some speed up and they wonder why their getting stranded on the wrong side of the road.

I'm sure they curse me when I'm picking up speed downhill too, but when I see someone overtaking(1) I actively prevent the vehicle from picking up any more speed because the law in NSW is that once a vehicle starts an overtaking move on you, you are not allowed to increase speed.

(1) Overtaking - the act of pulling out of the lane of traffic travelling in the same direction that you are, and passing other vehicles by placing your vehicle in the lane that would otherwise be occupied by oncoming traffic. This does NOT include going past a vehicle where two lanes or more lanes are for vehicular traffic travelling in the same direction as you are.
I think you'll find new trucking laws state that the "A double" is legal on many roads and being spread further into road law due to then trying increase load sizes which they say will cut down on the number of trucks on the road. There is a new national draft being written up for heavy vehicles (all States but WA included but they are involved) and they are reviewing all these rules with a guide to making them legal on all roads especially given they are as maneuverable as a B double.

As for them being on light vehicles I don't believe there is any legislation that says no based purely on the turntable but I have seen similar on 8 tonne trucks so they do go down atleast that far.

I was told recently that they are considering allowing B-Triples into areas up here. Dunno how true that is though.

I see B-Doubles every night. So a B-Triple couldn't be that much worse.
I'm sure they curse me when I'm picking up speed downhill too, but when I see someone overtaking(1) I actively prevent the vehicle from picking up any more speed because the law in NSW is that once a vehicle starts an overtaking move on you, you are not allowed to increase speed.


If i didnt speed up when someone pulled out going down hill i would never get anywhere, After getting down to about 20 km ph going up the hill there is no way i not sticking the boot into it and skipping a few gears on the way down
I was told recently that they are considering allowing B-Triples into areas up here. Dunno how true that is though.

I see B-Doubles every night. So a B-Triple couldn't be that much worse.

It would be on those roundabouts at Rutherford just east of the airport. Squeezy wouldn't be a good enough word!
Shell and BP have been testing B triples on Victorian roads for about 3 years now, they were given limited access to certain roads and certain hours so they could be studied under real road conditions. No idea what the final outcomes have been but there is a good chance it will happen on certain routes before long.

It's been a few months since I read the last update on the new regs they want to bring in but many of the big players were more pushing for A doubles than B triples because of the way the loads are distributed and how much more freedom the double offers over the triple.
It would be on those roundabouts at Rutherford just east of the airport. Squeezy wouldn't be a good enough word!

The B trailer follows the same line as the A trailer. I dont think they's have a problem.

Except for cars cutting them off.

Krafty, you talking double roadtrains like you see out the back of NSW, SA etc ?
Well there is B triples and A triples on roads in the outback (as well as bigger) but yes the ones BP and Shell were testing were pretty much the same, three trailers in a B configuration but I believe the new rules will allow for he extra length of A Double's as well as B Triple's on suburban roads, but like I said earlier it's been a while since I read the new rules they want to bring in.
A double is a two trailer rig but the second trailer has a dolly under the front (semi version of Dion's pic on previous page). It has the added bonus that it can be made more maneuverable and it increases maximum load sizes (due to extra length), however the downside is they are usually about 5 meters longer or something like that.

The A and B refer to the linkage not the trailer.

There is a mob who have made a A double that uses a computer so the A dolly follows the exact line of the rear axles of the trailer therefore ensuring there is almost no cut in and technology like that has forced a re-think of current road laws banning A and triples on some suburban roads.
Mate I live 5 min away and have never been .
I only went to the Ipswich 300 because I got free tickets.
I regularly go to Gatton street sprints and leybourne street sprints they are good fun.

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