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I bet if you were a cute little blonde with decent size boobs and a short skirt they would have stopped. And probably have changed the tyre for her also.

Bloody coppers :rant:

Yeah I was thinking the same thing if I was a chick.

The Coppers around here are pretty good, if your not doing the wrong thing you have nothing to worry about.

I am always driving around late at night because I choose to work then, if I see some Scumbag doing something wrong Ill happily ring the Police.

When you getting the new Kubota Krafty ?

When you getting the new Kubota Krafty ?

Dunno, I'm led to believe it;s sitting in the yard and we are only waiting on appraisal of the old one to get a trade in price but i have had time to chase it up the last few days.
I'm just holding out on the post count to make your estimation of Jan 1 seem ridiculous :ha:
Before the new year you told me I was going to hit 5000 before the year ended, maybe it was a request and not an estimation, either way I'm holding out on you!
Before the new year you told me I was going to hit 5000 before the year ended, maybe it was a request and not an estimation, either way I'm holding out on you!

Yeah ... i finally hit 700 posts

dont know how many of them have been productive useful posts ...
I'm not going to comment on the productiveness of your posts but your productiveness when it comes to emails is woeful :ha: Lucky it's not life and death stuff I email you about Sonny Jim!
Festival Hall, Mar 26 2011.....


tix x2 for me


Did you see Motorhead on Conan last night (well last night on GEM not sure when it was actually on). They played Born to Loose from The World is Yours. They also briefly discussed the new album and doco to be released on Feb 8, I presume the Feb 8 date is the movie release since the album has been out since before Chrissie. For those who don't know the movie is called "Lemmy: 49% Motherf&*%er 51% Son of a Bitch" and there has been trailers for it floating around for a while now. Shall go and look for an Aus release date for the movie now.
Bloody hell, it's too hot to work, I can't be bothered dealing with people and now the winds kicked up and bashing the crap out of the house. Thank christ I'm not in North Qld where they have a cyclone bearing down on them or I'd be ready to kill someone.
The only job I feel like doing right now the slack arse client hasn't provided me the info for. He's probably got some excuse about working and being busy but I always consider myself more important than anyone else.

Pay me to make a web page about you and the mighty D22 Dave, together we can make all d40 drivers jealous :eviltongue:
The only job I feel like doing right now the slack arse client hasn't provided me the info for. He's probably got some excuse about working and being busy but I always consider myself more important than anyone else.

Pay me to make a web page about you and the mighty D22 Dave, together we can make all d40 drivers jealous :eviltongue:

You guys wouldn't know what hot is. Try constant 45deg + between December and April. And then add in the Cat 2 cyclone that kit us a week ago. It's a nightmare (nowhere near what Qld is going through but still rough for up here).

And jealous of WHAT exactly????
Obviously not everyone Dave this is why people need to be told, besides doing a d22 shrine site would be like making a fantasy site :ha:
You guys wouldn't know what hot is. Try constant 45deg + between December and April.

Gawd you sound like my brother inlaw, I suppose you too come down from the north in the middle of summer wearing a parka and ski pants because 35 degrees is so cold. I'm not disputing the weather is hot up there but I still maintain that 40 degrees anywhere in WA is different to 40 degrees on the east coast, I'd much rather 40+ in WA than over here.

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