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Can't find my fishing license, not overly worried about getting a new one but it would be nice to know if the previous one has expired. Don't think the online system allows for checking of currently license status.
Can't find my fishing license, not overly worried about getting a new one but it would be nice to know if the previous one has expired. Don't think the online system allows for checking of currently license status.

If you have a 3 yearly, they (DPI) send you out a reminder....mine is due now.
Do they really? Damn I don't ever remember getting a reminder, my last two expired without me knowing. Usually I know where my license is and if it expires I don't bother renewing it until my next trip but it's been a while since I went fishing and I don't remember where I put my license.
I used to jusy get yearly tickets,no reminder notices, but last time bought a 3 yearly and just a few weeks ago got a reminder in the mail.
Well I found my license and it's still current until next year so I'll see next year if they bother to send me a reminder of it being due.

I know other states reckon we are getting ripped off when we have to pay for licenses but I don't mind paying a small fee for 3 years after seeing how much money's been spent on our beaches and the surrounding areas in the last 10 years. Maybe some will argue that it's money that should have been spent years ago but I'm happy they are spending it now.

It's been a while since I went down there so I hadn't seen the work they'd been doing but there is now 20 well maintained camping areas (no facilities) between Seaspray and Golden Beach, the area has been cleaned up and apart from the unavoidable steep trek up and over the hummocks the area is shitloads better than it was 5 years ago. Lakes Entrance has been tidied up, Lake Tyres has been tidied up and Mallacoota has had massive amounts of work done. If that's my license money at work I'm happy to pay every 3 years.
Used to do Golden Beach every Easter and an rdo weekend around November...tho it has to be at least 25 years + since last time
Pretty average, bloody weather was perfect, tides were good, water was clam and I could even put up with the crabs (I got cream today :ha:) but there was shitloads of weed and it was all fine stuff that caught on the line. Keeping the line out there was no drama the weed only attached itself to the line on the way in but it was shit stuff to remove. We caught a few small froggies but they weren't big enough to take photos off. :rofl2:
Whats new people ?

I have been doing 12 hour plus days.

Piss up tomorrow night, paying more !@#$ing taxes. Sigh.
Same here Dave doing big days so i can have time off at Xmas then 2weeks at the beginning of feb .
I wont be doing a big day tomorrow, there is no way i will be on a roof in 38+ temps they have forecast for the next two days
Working in air conditioned exchanges is hard at times. Haha.

Stepping out into the heat hits you though.
FARRKKK you poor hard done by sole!! try working on roofs when its so hot that your shoes are melting!!!!!!
I can imagine Nath, a few mates use to be roofers and they're black as.

I dont think they ever wore sunscreen.

You should see this 500 tonner crane working up this way, !@#$ing huge.
They're using it for the bridges on the Hunter Express way.

Its a big crawler crane. The amount of counter weights on the back of it is insane too.

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